ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Big Claims For The Kind Of Art AI Will Make

Miller argues that AI-fueled art gains independence from its algorithmic parents and takes flight in works that bear the hallmarks of creativity and genius and will one day exceed human artists’ wildest imaginative dreams. Miller says he sympathizes with what I’m saying about the power of art coming from the connection with a human artist, plumbing their emotions and...

In Search Of Classical Music From Africa

Cellist Julian Lloyd Webber writes about his colleague Rebeca Omordia, a pianist of Romanian and Nigerian parentage who, since 2013, has been pursuing a project to find and present music by African composers working in Western classical genres. She's found more than 200 of them, and she presents their work every year in a concert series in London. -...

Now Clear: How Brexit Is A Disaster For UK Artists

“It is being slightly masked by Covid, but we are already seeing individuals losing their jobs because they don’t hold an EU passport. People are being told their application for a post is not welcome anymore, or that gigs are being postponed or cancelled because EU promoters are not certain whether British talent will be able to make it...

Podcasts By Retired Sports Stars Are Becoming Big Business

"If athlete-driven podcasts were once shoestring affairs, they've now been absorbed into the sports-media economy. Last year, The Ringer was acquired by Spotify for around two hundred million dollars." And the athlete-hosts don't talk only about the game; they sometimes have on as guests rock musicians, movie stars, entertainment execs, and politicians. - The New Yorker

How Big New Money Is Ripping Up The Art Market

The traditional hierarchies of the art market, where values, both monetary and aesthetic, were established and policed by art historians, curators and museums, are being assaulted by a new breed of wealthy new players, with new tastes and “new” money. Their wallets are stuffed with the currently surging cryptocurrencies. The traditional art world may sniff at some of their...

What If Elena Ferrante Is Really A Man?

Over the past few years, a series of stylometric analyses, employing both human brains and AI software, has found that the true identity of the famously pseudonymous and reclusive author is almost certainly that of writer Domenico Starnone. (The other prime candidate, identified by an investigative journalist in The New York Review of Books, is Starnone's wife, translator Anita...

London’s National Gallery Creates First Exhibition Designed For Mobile Phones

The mobile experience will allow people to zoom in on the details. It will include six poems in the voice of Balthasar, the black king pictured to the left of Mary, with his gift of myrrh and wearing a lynx-fur-lined red robe and fabulous boots with leather so fine you can see his toes. - The Guardian

Kurt Weill Was Destined For Broadway All Along

Joshua Barone: "Kurt Weill is often described as if he were two composers. One spun quintessential sounds of Weimar-era Berlin in works like The Threepenny Opera, and the other wrote innovative earworms for Broadway's golden age. His career was bifurcated, so the story goes — split not only by a shift in style, but also by the Atlantic Ocean,...

How We’ll Know If An AI Develops Consciousness

Clearly, asking questions about consciousness does not prove anything per se. But could an AI zombie formulate such questions by itself, without hearing them from another source or belching them out from random outputs? To me, the answer is clearly no. If I’m right, then we should seriously consider that an AI might be conscious if it asks questions...

We’ve Got Robot Artists. Now We May Get Robot Art Critics.

"For human art lovers, learning which style or category a piece of art falls in is a relatively straightforward and objective task. Like the neural networks , we can learn how to do that by looking at a lot of art and finding patterns. But there's something humans do that computers don't: we also form opinions about the art...

Is The Corps De Ballet Going To Become A Relic Of The Past?

In most places, the pandemic has put a stop to large-scale corps dancing. Yet, even when the virus is finally under control, there's reason to wonder about the future of large groups of ballet dancers beyond revivals of old classics: few contemporary choreographers make use of more than small groups. Laura Cappelle looks at why that is and why...

Cooper Union Says It Will Be Tuition-Free Again By 2029

The prestigious, competitive art/architecture/engineering school in Manhattan's East Village charged no fees to students from its opening in 1859 until 2012, when an overambitious building program and bad management decisions led to financial disaster and free tuition was abolished, much to the fury of students, alumni, and others. There were worries that the pandemic would hamper the fundraising necessary...

Smithsonian Holds Off On Reopening Its Museums

"Despite the reopening of most private museums in Washington, the Smithsonian and the National Gallery of Art have no set date to reopen from pandemic-related closures that began in November. … When they are ready to reopen this spring, they will mimic last summer's multiphased approach, Bunch said, with the National Zoo one of the first to come...

Live-Streamed Stand-Up Comedy Might Just Outlast The Pandemic

"Many are skeptical, including fans who badly miss being surrounded by echoing laughter and stand-ups who are exhausted by performing for screens and who widely prefer telling jokes in the same room as crowds. While conceding that nothing replaces the traditional comedy format, said the doubts will look as shortsighted as early mockery of Twitter, podcasting and so...

Gianluigi Colalucci, Lead Restorer Of Sistine Chapel, Dead At 92

From 1980 to 1994, he led a team of workers who carefully washed away, frequently with plain soap and water, centuries' worth of dust, smoke and other grime from Michelangelo's work — revealing what were, to those who had been accustomed to the dim, grim aspect of the unrestored "Last Judgment" fresco, the astonishingly vivid colors the artist used....

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