"The music school's young students, teachers and faculty are staying home — they have reason to fear." The Taliban have banned music, and killed musicians, in the past - and the ANIM featured boys and girls learning music together. - NPR
Morgan "made his international debut at the Vienna State Opera in 1982, conducting Mozart’s Abduction From the Seraglio in the city where the composer spent much of his life, before an infamously fastidious and unforgiving audience. He later said his only goal was to get in and out of the State Opera without being booed. As it happened, he...
"We love trauma onstage. But while we have long understood that expertise is necessary to keep performers physically safe, the mental aspects of our craft have been largely unsupported. ... In a profession that prides itself on unprecedented emotional feats, we have yet to apply this same principle to the mental health of our artists." - American Theatre
Following the legacy of Josephine Baker, James Baldwin, and others, Black artists "have often had to leave the States in order to activate the power of mobility denied them at home: A U.S. passport grants Black citizens access to most other countries, whereas merely jogging and driving while Black can prove fatal in America." - The New York Times
Yes, the show was a traitor its audience, but worse, it ignored its own values. The system that briefly elevated Mike Richards (and still hasn't ended his producer career on the show) "took the thing that makes Jeopardy, for so many people, so important and beloved—its abiding conviction that facts are sacred—and betrayed it." - The Atlantic
"From the outside of Sundance, one is aware of the noise and glitter and glamour and all that stuff at the beginning of each year which goes with the festival. But what I felt to be a kind of quiet soul of the work of the institute is the year-round artist support, and this very intimate expression of the...
"In 1966, 1968 – this was a time of liberation. We were all involved in anti-apartheid marches, CND marches, embracing different cultures. It all fed into the music and brought a freedom to it." - The Guardian
Why would a display of just six Titian paintings at a small New England museum qualify as the art event of the year, and possibly the decade? - Washington Post
“Reasonable rest demands that the employers not treat our members like machines that can just work until they are broken and then be replaced.” - Deadline
In the spring of 2020, mad with cabin fever, Jena VanElslander and a few friends started meeting every so often just to dance in the emptiness of Midtown Manhattan. A year later, her TSQ Project is still doing that, only with fully choreographed shows. - Dance Magazine
Karen Ann Daniels, 45, has been director of the Public Theatre’s Mobile Unit since 2019 and before that had similar audience-engagement responsibilities for six years at the Old Globe Theatre in her hometown of San Diego. - Washington Post
Lady Mary Wroth, a noble at James I's court, had two bastard children with an Earl who ignored them and dumped her. The cream of London society was horrified when she put those secrets, and many of theirs as well, into a novel and play. - Smithsonian Magazine