ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


AI Music App Creates Music For You On The Fly, Depending On Your Mood

Endel uses a bunch of data, including your location, weather, time of day and even biometrics to create an individual soundtrack on the fly. "This is a technology that is designed to help you focus, relax and sleep." - Protocol

The New Whitest-Ever White Paint Could Potentially Replace Air Conditioning

The paint, developed at Purdue University's mechanical engineering department, reflects 98.1 percent of the sun's rays, while the strongest heat-resistant white paints currently on the market reflect 80 to 90 percent. The new pigment's superpower is that, by absorbing so little infrared heat, it actually cools the material it's covering below the ambient temperature. (So far, tests show 8...

Bad Feelings At Second City In Chicago: Old Food Service Staff Is Fired And President Resigns

The 90-odd people who worked, some for decades, as waiters, bartenders, dishwashers and the like were told last fall that their furloughs were officially layoffs. But now Second City has a new owner and is making plans to reopen — and those workers find out that, rather than getting a chance at their old jobs, all catering at the...

Researchers Figure Out Why Some Picassos Have Deteriorated More Quickly Than Others

"The study centred on four paintings inspired by the Ballets Russes, the Russian impresario Sergei Diaghilev's itinerant dance troupe, which Picasso produced in no more than a few months while working at a friend's studio in Barcelona in 1917." - The Art Newspaper

Classical Music Podcasts Are Coming Into Their Own

"Classical music has been surprisingly slow to embrace podcasting, a medium ideally suited to illuminate its sounds and stories. But something changed in the last year, with live performances on hold because of the pandemic and the music industry belatedly exploring new platforms." Joshua Barone has a look at three notable podcasts, including one that follows the creative process...

Canada’s Federal Budget Has More Than $800 Million In New Cultural Funding

"The budget earmarks $300-million over two years to Canadian Heritage to create a recovery fund to combat that drop in employment and support the recovery of those industries. … There's an investment of $200-million through regional development agencies for major Canadian festivals, and an additional $200-million through Canadian Heritage for local festivals and cultural events, including outdoor theatre." There's...

Detroit Symphony’s Long-Serving CEO, Anne Parsons, To Retire Next Year

"Parsons faced a financially embattled DSO when she took the reins in 2004, followed by grueling labor strife several years later. She ultimately helped guide the organization to fiscal stability, along with global acclaim for a series of pioneering digital initiatives. Parsons also oversaw the appointment of two music directors, Leonard Slatkin in 2007 and Jader Bignamini in 2020."...

Charlotte Plans To Overhaul Arts Funding, With 50% More Money — But Some Artists Are Suspicious

"Last week, City Manager Marcus Jones recommended that the city take over arts funding from the Arts & Science Council, which has managed the funding process for decades. Jones's plan would see the arts and cultural groups receive $12 million per year from the public and private sectors — a 50% hike from a proposal the council has been...

Daily Mail Newspaper Sues Google For “Manipulating Search Results”

It alleges Google "punishes" publishers in its rankings if they don't sell enough advertising space in its marketplace. Google called the claims "meritless". Associated Newspapers' concerns stem from its assessment that its coverage of the Royal Family in 2021 has been downplayed in search results. - BBC

How Public Ideas Evolved In The Cold War Era

What most comes across is the protean creativity of the period, the globe-spanning connections that promoted it, and Menand’s mastery of large slices of it. “People cared. Ideas mattered,” Louis Menand writes. “People believed in liberty, and thought it really meant something.” It would be silly to say that people no longer care about such things, but perhaps they...

How To Be A Silicon Valley Intellectual

On your path to becoming an intellectual in Silicon Valley, understanding these two lessons—the Peter Principles, we’ll call them, since that adds nothing to the conversation but sounds sophisticated—will be key to your success. First, the point of your interventions in the public sphere is not to “win” any “argument,” nor to attract new adherents or convince neutrals of...

Consider The Environmental Cost Of Making Music

Musicians addressing the environment head-on only represents one side of the music industry’s engagement with the climate crisis. The way we listen to music impacts the environment. Streaming music uses a significant amount of energy, even though the technology seems to make sound feel immaterial. Kyle Devine is author of Decomposed: The Political Ecology of Music, which traces “the...

Brexit Is Killing UK Musicians’ Gigs

The stress and cost of work visa requirements, new taxes, and prohibitively high touring costs have upended the careers of scores of British musicians, to the extent that many are considering moving to Europe. “There will be a new hub of freelancers in an EU country instead.” - Bloomberg

Netflix Is Spending $17 Billion On New Content

That’s a notable uptick from the streamer’s 2020 spend of $11.8 billion, as the pandemic prompted production delays across the industry, and a 2019 content spend of $13.9 billion. - Variety

Inside James Turrell’s Masterwork-In-Progress In Arizona’s Painted Desert

For 45 years, the light sculptor has been designing and building a complex inside Roden Crater, a volcanic cinder cone about 50 miles northeast of Flagstaff. In his 70s (he turns 78 this year), he had begun to think there was no hope of living to complete his ambitious plans. Then $10 million in seed money arrived from (of...

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