ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


The Real Nomads Of Nomadland

One says, "It's kind of simpatico with Fern's story . My husband died, and we don't have kids, so I just sold everything and just thought that I would travel for a bit, and fell in love with it." And, just like Fern, she says, "I can't see me living a different way now." - BBC

Behind The Scenes Of The Best Picture Nominees

What the directors say, including clips about how to make a dramatic scene more dramatic with whispers - and how to cast a "good guy" to make a point in a scene about a not very good guy at all. - The New York Times

Shakespeare’s Birthday Just Went By, And He Barely Seems Older At All

Charles McNulty on the Bard in 2021: "Shakespeare’s characters keep drawing us back because we want to understand them more fully. They leave us with an impression of unfinished business. Just as no one in our lives can be fully known, so the figures in his plays reveal only so much about what they think, feel and believe." -...

The Two Types Of Post-Pandemic People

Who dominates in the (hoped-for, perhaps arriving) after-COVID era will affect theatre, music, dance, and other performing arts. Psychology professor Laurie Santos: "The pandemic has taught us that there are negotiable things that we can subtract from our schedules, ... and some of those subtractions feel good." - The Atlantic

Maine’s Attorney General Says Arts Robert Indiana’s Estate Overpaid Lawyers By Millions

The litigation after the artist's death in 2018 has been extensive, but perhaps the fees were quite a bit more extensive than they should have been. "The attorney general’s office filed papers in Knox County Probate Court this week demanding that the executor of Indiana’s estate, James W. Brannan, a Maine lawyer, put back into the estate nearly half...

American Ballet Theatre Dancers Spend A Month In A Bubble In Southern California

It was both arduous and oddly pleasant for the dancers, used to touring - and to playing for packed houses; only 10 percent of the theatre can be sold in this case (but the ballets are available to stream online). "Jose Sebastian, one of the eight dancers performing Lovette’s 'La Follia Variations,' said the experience of living and rehearsing...

The Detroit Symphony Gets A Letter From A Non-Fan Of Black Composers’ Music

And then DSO vice-president Erik Rönmark posted the letter to social media (with the patron's, or former patron's, name redacted). Response on social media was strong. The CEO of a tech company wrote: "You just won yourself a new patron at the $125 level. My company ... would like to sponsor 4 new patrons at this same level, preferably...

Eight Smithsonian Museums Are Getting Ready To Reopen

All of the eight reopened briefly in 2020, between July and October. Coronavirus surges in November closed them again. But many others in the Smithsonian portfolio have remained closed since March of 2020, and the schedule for those isn't yet clear. - The New York Times

When A Lot More Of Us Are Vaccinated, What Will Moviegoing Look Like?

Probably there will still be a lot of private showings, now that we're somewhat used to the idea. And then ... a return to Moviepass, or something like it? "To survive beyond the pandemic, theaters must persuade moviegoers not just to come back, but to come back more frequently than they did—to start thinking of their local cinema as...

Art Peaked 30,000 Years Ago

Or so some believe. "The more you look at images from the walls of Lascaux and Chauvet, the more you realise art really has invented nothing since those days at the end of the ice age. It is hard to take in how comprehensively these ancient artists anticipated the future. It takes time to fully absorb this – say,...

Scott Rudin’s Decades Of Power And Damage On Broadway And In Hollywood

At the crux of the matter, there are hints at rottenness that extends far beyond Rudin and his protegés: "Many wondered how artists who consider themselves politically enlightened could be so eager to work with Mr. Rudin, knowing how badly he treated his employees. 'People are acting like the industry is changing, but the fact that someone like Scott...

Which Actors Benefit From Oscar Nominations?

Well, what a surprise: "For white actors, Academy recognition quickly leads to starring roles, both in big-budget blockbusters and prestige dramas. For actors of color recognized by the Academy, landing those roles typically takes much more time—if they ever land them at all." - Vice

What To Expect From The Oscars Red Carpet

According to Laverne Cox, it can't all be fashion - but then it can't all be politics, either. "There’s so, so much work that goes into a look. This is the sad thing about there not being red carpets. It’s a whole cottage industry of stylists and hair and makeup people. I think we can celebrate that and also...

The Fitness Trap

Part of what seems awry with contemporary fitness culture is its artifice, symptomatic of the wrongness of modernity, prior to which, one imagines, real life was excessively challenging and exercise blissfully inadvertent. Condemned to an “active” lifestyle, pre-modern humans would surely never have dreamed of inventing excuses to expend extra energy for the sake of it. - New Statesman

Arts Venues Hoping For Some Of That $16 Billion COVID Relief Hit Glitch

The Small Business Administration oversees the $16 billion portion that will offer grants to concert halls, theaters and museums. But soon after the process began on April 8, the application portal shut down. The apparent cause? Technical glitches — as in plural. The SBA has said it hopes to reopen the portal by the end of the week. -...

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