ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


The Porch Concerts Of The Pandemic Are Here To Stay

They began as a safe way to unite (and maybe pay) artists - and now Brooklyn's Ditmas Park is a music hub. - The New York Times

England’s New Monument To Shopping And Instagram

Yikes: "Rearing up at the western end of Oxford Street as a faceted green shell ... the 25-metre high Marble Arch Mound is one of the more unlikely strategies for stimulating our Covid-stricken high streets." - The Guardian (UK)

Marvel Has All The Money In The World, But Can Its Actors Do Accents?

A dialect coach weighs in on the Russian accents of Black Widow. "In the ideal world, I invite the actors first to get into a Russian body." - Slate

Live Theatre Is Endangered Again, Still

On Friday, the Public Theater canceled its show for the third night in a row because of a positive COVID-19 test. Can we ever depend on live performances again? - The New York Times

When A Revered Musician Makes Very Bad Choices

Eric Clapton's "dangerous stance on vaccines has forced yet another conversation about the importance of 'separating the music from the man.'" - Los Angeles Times

Overhauling ‘Traditional’ Monuments With An Indigenous Focus

In the wake of nationwide protests, Native artists are changing the way U.S. institutions see, and commission, public art. - FastCompany

The League Of Unfortunate Writers

When your book release happens the same week - or day - that most of your country locks down for a pandemic, well ... that was 2020 for many writers. - NPR

A Lackluster Opening Olympics

Unfortunately, the messaging was muddled — the ideas crowding one another out — by a ceremony most notable for how small and muted the staging felt, an effect amplified by the empty stadium. - Washington Post

Where AI Is Scariest? Its Ability To Speak

Artificial intelligence is an ethical quagmire. Its power can be more than a little nauseating. But there’s a kind of unique horror to the capabilities of natural language processing. - The New Yorker

Misconceptions About The Relationship Between Arts And Sports

While there are many sports devotees in the Australian arts sector (as a search for the Twitter hashtag #aflartsmafia reveals), the fallacy continues that loving the arts and loving sport are somehow incompatible. - ArtsHub

How Much Of Your Life Has Been Determined By Fiction?

"There is a kind of bibliomancy, the use of books in divination, to being a reader of fiction. This magical concept begins while book browsing." - LitHub

Can US Cultural Policy Better Reflect American Values?

The US is one of the largest markets for cultural goods, so it makes good sense that our country has taken a leading role in fighting the looting of cultural artefacts. - The Art Newspaper

How US Teen Culture Took Over The World

Universal secondary education not only elevated Americans by spreading relevant knowledge and skills to the masses. It also gave rise to a more complex social and cultural transformation, as the adolescent period became pivotal in shaping who we are. - Aeon

A Critic Confesses: I’ve Rarely Given Enough Credit To A Terrific Opera House Chorus

Joshua Kosman: "My reviews over the years have not always reflected the splendor of the Opera Chorus's artistry. … In my defense, most of the time my task is simply to find new words for an old truth... - San Francisco Chronicle

The Olympics May No Longer Be Sustainable In Their Present Form

Whether it’s the young people and local businesses left traumatized by evictions due to London 2012 Games, the elderly tenants whose homes were destroyed to make way for the new National Stadium in Shinjuku, ahead of Tokyo 2020. - Fast Company

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