ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


France’s Call My Agent Hit Cult Popularity In The US, But Its Star Didn’t Really Know It

Actor Camille Cottin, who spent a lot of time with her family during the pandemic, is bemused by her popularity. "Now you tell me during the pandemic everybody watched ‘Call My Agent!,’ I was miles away, imagining that I was buried alive," she added with a grim laugh." - The New York Times

South America’s Largest Film Collection Goes Up In Flames

On Thursday, flames engulfed Brazil's Cinemateca Brasileira, whose collection includes "more than a million archival documents and around 250,000 film reels," with the extent of the damage as yet unknown. - Hyperallergic

Older Kindles May Stop Connecting To The Internet

And yes, you can blame 5G for this issue. - BBC

Turner Prize Winner Says UK Cut School Arts Funding To Cut Out Criticism From Artists

Artist Helen Cammock: "They’re trying to eradicate the subjects that encourage people to think, and the parts of culture that really loudly challenge the system that’s in place." - The Guardian (UK)

Do Olympic-Level Achievements Make People Happy?

That depends on when you ask them. (And yes, that has a bearing on the lives of the rest of us as well.) - The Atlantic

The Pleasure Of Falling Asleep With A Book

That is, with a book slipping out of your fingers, or falling on your face or stomach. - The New York Times

Broadway Announces New COVID Mandates For Its Reopening

Masks will also be required for audiences inside the theaters, except while eating or drinking in designated locations. - Deadline

How Can The Uffizi Sue Over An Image In The Public Domain?

Italian law strongly protects its heritage. The definition of cultural heritage itself under Italian law is broad: any works which “are of artistic, historical, archaeological and ethno-anthropological interest”. - The Conversation

A Good Death (From A Literary Perspective)

"I cannot expect to have a good death if my life did not accomplish certain specific things. And these things are not material." - Los Angeles Review of Books

NFTs Of Chimpanzee Art Raised (Again) The Idea Of Animal Art (And Creativity)

The launch of these NFTs is the latest chapter in a long and complex history of non-human animals in the art world. - The Conversation

Cash-Strapped Mexico Reburies Petroglyphs

“The global health contingency caused by COVID-19 forced the institutions of the different levels of government to prioritize the allocation of resources for the health care of the population.” - Artnet

Atlanta Ballet CEO Steps Down After Reinventing The Company

Arthur Jacobus's 12-year tenure has seen the company rebrand itself as an organization committed to creativity and innovation, followed by a reversal of that initiative with the forced departure of artistic director John McFall at the end of the 2015–16 season and the hiring of Gennadi Nedvigin. - ArtsATL

What Really Made Nadia Boulanger Tick?

"It is widely assumed that Boulanger consciously renounced composition after her sister died in order to champion Lili's music and focus on teaching. But the biographical reality is more complicated." - The New York Times

Selling Out? When I Wrote Just For Money

"This was a question I also grappled with: could my creative prostitution involve high art, be the literary equivalent of Belle de Jour (1967), stylish and sexy, or would I have to roil in whorish filth, using cheap metaphors and knocked-off cliches?" - Aeon

How Will Actors’ Equity’s New Open Access Policy Change Theatre?

Will a larger, more activist union make things fairer? Or will business remain more or less as usual? "We asked several industry sources and union folks to give us their best guesses and hopes about how this momentous change will play out." - American Theatre

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