ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Could 1980s Film Noir Actually Be Better Than The Classic 1940s Stuff?

Neo-noir "could spell out what the 1940s films could only imply, with themes, violence and sexuality that could only be hinted at four decades before. … In the era of Reagan and MTV, it was a genre that was at the same time throwback and cutting-edge." - CrimeReads

And Now… AI-Generated Sculptures That Look Eerily Real

The resulting totemic structures, biomorphic forms, and sleek stacked shapes against drab gray backgrounds have a strange, mass-produced patina, as vaguely similar as Ikea furniture. - Hyperallergic

In Defense Of Watching TV At High Speed

Nicholas Quah writes that the habit, reviled by creators, simply makes it easier to get through mountains of content, leaving time to try stuff (like generic Netflix documentaries) he'd otherwise skip. (And 1.25x speed just doesn't distort things that much.) - New York Magazine

The Value Of Profanity

Even in a society which tells itself the half-truth that it treasures ‘free speech’, there are, indeed must be, words that are beyond the pale – words that can still shock, thrill or shame. - Literary Review

Why Composer Jake Heggie Writes His Operas Entirely By Hand

"Making a mess is central to creativity and certainly to composition. … (With music software,) I think that sometimes young composers can be misled. Because it looks perfect on the screen and it looks perfect when it's printed out, and it's not done." (podcast with transcription) - Slate

The (Colorful) History Of Color

If one really wants to see an example of how a colour can come to denote an entire system of values and beliefs, look no further than green. - Literary Review

This Improv Group Wants To Be The Anti-Upright Citizens Brigade. Is That Possible?

In 2020, the worst of a series of bad years for the company, UCB withdrew entirely from New York. Now the Squirrel Comedy Theater wants to operate using UCB's artistic principles while avoiding the business practices that alienated so many members and students. - The New York Times

The Dance Of The Discus Throw

Olympic gold medalist Valarie Allman, a former dancer: "I think it's a second-and-a-half dance that you do hundreds of times and it's really repetitive, but gosh-darn, I do think it's a dance. It's poetry. It's balance. It's grace. It's power." - The Washington Post on MSN

Simone Biles Offers A Lesson For The Dance World

Bradford Chin: "I love that, although most of us dancers are not Olympic athletes, we treat every performance like the Olympics. But, like the Olympics, the dance world is plagued by the contradictory values of self-care and 'team effort' heroism." - Dance Magazine

The 25 Most Significant Works of Postwar Architecture (Per The NYT’s Style Mag)

"Three architects, three journalists and two designers gathered over Zoom to make a list of the most influential and lasting buildings that have been erected — or cleverly updated — since World War II. Here are the results." - T — The New York Times Style Magazine

Now AI Is Creating Customized Artwork To Order (And It’s Cheap)

"Customers scroll through a selection of artwork and click the designs they like. … Then, the user clicks a button reading 'Make My Art,' Artifly becomes familiar with your selections — and … in about a minute, it creates a brand-new personalized artwork." - Artnet

Baltimore Symphony Fires Principal Flutist Emily Skala

CEO Peter Kjome said in a statement, "Ms. Skala has had discipline imposed upon her over these past few months; unfortunately, she has repeated the conduct for which she had been previously disciplined, and dismissal was the necessary and appropriate reaction to this behavior." - The Baltimore Sun

Phillip King, Leading British Sculptor Of ’60s “New Generation”, Dead At 87

"Some critics and historians have considered King one of the most important British artists of the past half-century, although his reputation has lagged behind that of his mentor, Anthony Caro." - ARTnews

Someone Created A Fake Cormac McCarthy Account And Twitter Verified It (Oops)

Twitter acknowledged the mistake on Tuesday morning. A spokesperson said: “The account referenced was verified by mistake and that has since been reversed. - The Guardian

Objections To An East London Mega-Entertainment Sphere

What we now face is a massive live entertainment venue, almost as tall as Big Ben, covered with nearly a million garish LEDs, programmed to display videos and adverts. - The Guardian

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