ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Trying To Put On A Festival Amid Floods, A Plague, And Brexit

It's not easy for the Salzburg Festival, but performers and audience alike feel the reality that "peace doesn’t exist without its antithesis." - The New York Times

The Disappearing Antonyms Of ‘Grumpy’ Words

Weird factoid: In Old English, people could be couth, kempt, and ruthful. - LitHub

Idris Elba Says Difficult And Constant Creative Work Is Great Therapy

Elba was working as a bouncer when he got a part on The Wire - and since then, he hasn't stopped working as an actor and musician, constantly releasing music, movies, and TV shows. - The Guardian (UK)

Alice Clark Brown, A Black Woman Who Starred In A Very White Circus, 68

She was the first Black woman to star in a Ringling Bros circus, and "photographs from the time show Ms. Brown triumphantly astride her headstanding elephant, arms raised high, her elaborate headdress perfectly in place." - The New York Times

What Are Los Angeles’ Theatres Doing In Response To The Delta Variant?

Pivot, pivot, pivot, keep on pivoting - and require proof of vaccination or negative COVID-19 tests. - Los Angeles Times

How An Actress Known For Playing Dramatic, Troubled Roles Ended Up In Ted Lasso

Juno Temple didn't even know how to act in a comedy, she says. Brendan Hunt, Lasso co-creator and colleague: "She’s just playing the truth of what the character’s going through, and it’s just hilarious. ... Though there are certainly times where we have to be like: 'OK, great, Juno. Now try it again. Without crying.'" - The New York...

What’s Going On With High-Profile ‘Restructuring’ In Barcelona’s MACBA?

Accusations of xenophobia, and two more high-profile resignations, follow an email about "restructuring" that eliminated the positions of Tanya Barson, the English curator, and Pablo Martínez, the head of programs. - The Observer (UK)

American Ballet Theatre Predicts Massive Audiences In The Fall

Performance-starved audiences may flock to Lincoln Center after the ABT resumes indoor live performances this fall, the ED says. "There is so much pent-up demand for the performing arts, so much pent-up demand for collective activities and experiences and the joy of celebrating together." - CNBC

What Can Be Done To Protect Sacred Sites From Relentless Scientific Curiosity?

Apologies alone aren't going to suffice. "Tribal representatives and archaeologists are demanding an accounting of protected cultural sites in order to identify damage caused by unpermitted research. They are also calling for researchers to be held accountable for such transgressions." - Los Angeles Times

The Magic Of Chilean Photographer Sergio Larrain

Not to mention the magic of stumbling over the work of a great artist by accident. - The New York Times

Musician And MacArthur Genius Rhiannon Giddens On Failure – And Success

Giddens, a singer, taught herself banjo after graduating from Oberlin. She says, "To suck at something is actually painful and we don’t really like that sensation. ... if you just throw yourself into it and are not afraid to fail, then that’s when you can learn things." - Washington Post

Shame On, And For, Both Liverpool And UNESCO

The citizens of Liverpool should be on the same side as UNESCO. "They have the same enemies: the shoddy and contemptuous treatment of the world heritage site, over years, both by the city’s government and private property companies." - The Guardian (UK)

DC Has Re-Emerged As A Broadway Tryout Town

The post-pandemic (and possibly post-45) change: "As theater returns to robust live-ness, Washington has been cast in a significant role once again, as a test-market locale with sophisticated theater tastes." - Washington Post

Arturo Schwarz, Refugee Who Became A Surrealism Tycoon, 97

Schwarz was expelled from Egypt in 1949, arrived penniless in Italy, and went on to found a prominent gallery devoted to Dadaist and Surrealist art in Milan and become probably the world’s greatest self-made collector and donor of work from those artistic movements." - The New York Times

Rebooting Old Series With A BIPOC Cast Might Actually Harm Diversity Initiatives

What about original stories developed by BIPOC creators? "Reboots take up so much bandwidth for the network, for the studio ... that they have less to devote to newer features and maybe something that would be really original." - CBC

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