The writer of House of the Spirits says, "Didn’t I tell you that we live under a patriarchy? ... But women have been tearing bits and pieces out of the situation little by little. And they will succeed, but I will not be alive to see it." - El País (English)
But why? DirecTV, for one, is tight-lipped. And "the pay TV providers who dropped OAN and Newsmax make the case that it’s not politics that drove their decisions, but the upended economics of their business." (Lawsuits also might be making a difference.) - Los Angeles Times
The concerts for isolated people have ended up a lifeline for the musicians too. "Sometimes the concerts can be really unusual in that you start it in the middle of the street, and you don't know if anybody is listening, and then comes the surprise." - BBC
Or, at least, that worked for Costa prize winner Caleb Azumah Nelson, who had been working at an Apple Store before an agent bit on his writing. - The Guardian (UK)
The not-too-distant future, at that. "Film festivals have always struggled with accessibility issues that can be mitigated by allowing people to attend from home. So perhaps hybrid festivals are the future even in the best of times." - Wired
That's because her scenes got cut - and, after renting the movie partly based on her being in the trailer, some fans are so far from amused that they're suing. - Variety
The book changed stereotypes when it came out in 1967, but Jane Campion's movie - bruited for at least one Oscar - has some issues. "What is, after all, so surprising about a queer cowboy? We live in a time after 'Old Town Road,' after Brokeback Mountain." - The Atlantic
Some detainees at Rikers Island watched a livestream of Clyde's. "Theater artists often speak of their aspirations for social relevance, especially in work focused squarely on contemporary issues. That aim has long been close to Nottage’s heart." - Washington Post
Why? Clive Wilkinson now says that "blurring the line between work and non-work keeps employees tethered to the office, benefiting the employer most of all. That, he argues, may seem to keep workers happy but can quickly spark burnout." - NPR
As Sundance's virtual festival gets underway, the question hanging in the air is whether any indie film can succeed in traditional theatres. Older audiences are wary of the virus; thus, "the chances of success at the multiplex are now slimmer than ever." - Los Angeles Times
Bernadine Evaristo: "I’m always amused when my young students create frail, old characters hunched over walking sticks, only for them to tell me that they’re in their forties. I would have been the same." - LitHub
The reason isn't clear, but "in 2014, the Kansong fell into debt and has remained closed ever since. The museum has pushed its reopening dates several times, most recently announcing that it will open later in 2022." - Hyperallergic
Early on, "when Almodóvar started making films, he promised himself one thing: his movies would give the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco the ultimate two-fingered salute. ... They would simply act as if he had never existed." Now, he's changed his mind. - The Guardian (UK)