That's 7500 workers - plumbers, electricians, drivers, animal trainers, etc. - without whom Hollywood would have a very hard time pumping out content. - Variety
Much more than a kerfuffle - it's about skill, rehearsal, and money. The half-time dancers "frame the action. And in a space as vast as a football stadium, that’s paramount. They bring structure to the stage; like a corps de ballet, they complete the picture." - The New York Times
"The world’s three biggest music companies: Universal Music, Sony Music and Warner Music, control about three-quarters of the UK recording market, allowing them to strike increasingly advantageous deals with streaming companies." That's not good for smaller artists - or maybe consumers. - The Guardian (UK)
The libraries are steadfastly refusing to do such a thing, and the mayor is on thin - if any - legal grounds, but there's a fundraiser for the library just in case. - LitHub
A new book rhymes ways to teach young children about theatre. "There are so many things in here that are favorite shows of mine that I never would have imagined being able to work into a children's book," the author says. - NPR
I love “West Side Story,” I always wanted to work with Stephen Sondheim, and I’ve come to realize that my writerly self-respect is tangled up in scaring myself. - Los Angeles Times
Twitch is now being criticised for encouraging streamers to spend an unhealthy amount of time on the platform and then not doing enough to support them. - BBC
The key to cutting through the confusion is to see that digital transformation is not a single thing, but a multi-faceted journey with differing goals depending on your industry and digital maturity. - Harvard Business Review
Campaign group Berlin Autofrei has proposed a law to limit private car use within the Ringbahn train line in the German capital, an area of 34 square miles. The city government will now formally consider the petition, with a decision due to be announced in February. - Dezeen
When some commentators call for a return to classical liberalism, they forget that it rested on the moral foundations of Jewish and Christian monotheism and the historical contingency of Western global power. Today Europe is post-Christian in its moral culture. - New Statesman
The involvement of wealthy donors sets up a balancing act for the DMA at a time when patrons’ money is under more scrutiny perhaps than ever before - Dallas Morning News
Anne Archer shooting Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction. Julia Roberts dancing with Rupert Everett to end My Best Friend's Wedding. The freeway dance that opens La La Land. All there thanks to test audiences. And that Kevin Costner baseball movie nearly went out under the title Shoeless Joe. - BBC
Can you prove you’re not in a simulation? You might think you have definitive evidence that you’re not. I think that’s impossible, because any such evidence could be simulated. - Nautilus
Most Nazi monuments in Germany were torn down after 1945, but in Spain and Italy many of the buildings and statues glorifying fascism are still standing — and there are arguments over them to this day. What to do? The city of Bolzano in the Italian Alps had some ideas. - BBC
I think we can all agree that this system is not set up for independent artists with a growing fanbase. The benefits of this pay-out scale are designed for the established, mega-stars with millions, or even billions of streams. - Erie News Now