ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


The Case Against Beach Reading

Reading is not a beachy activity. Reading is for armchairs and bay windows and loverless beds. Bring a book to the beach and you’re agreeing to ruin the book. - The Atlantic

Marc Ribot: Why I Have To Play My Music Super-Loud

Audiologists say this could make one’s ears howl, create an uncomfortable sensation of density in one’s head, and eventually make it impossible to hear human conversation. Yet I persist . . . Why? - LitHub

In Praise of The Lowly Lullaby

Individuals who heard them as babies relied on them, decades later, as parents and grandparents. Not even the symphony or fugue or sonata can boast such endurance or efficacy. - Ted Gioia

How Universities Get To Define The Universe

Universities, more than any other institution, shape our conception of what constitutes worthwhile knowledge. Therefore, if we want philosophy to thrive in the contemporary university, we will need to clearly articulate a very different vision of what a university is for. - The Point

Behold The Manifesto!

This is a form that asks readers to suspend their disbelief, and so like any piece of theater, it trades on its own vulnerability, invites our complicity, as if only the quality of our attention protects it from reality’s brutal puncture. - BookForum

Riccardo Muti at 80: Tired Of Life

"I’m tired of life, because this is a world that I no longer recognise and since I can’t expect the world to adapt to me, it would be better if I got out of the way." - Gramilano

What The Pandemic Did For Arts Organizations

Yes, it was devastating - and it also opened up the arts to many who couldn't access them before. How do we keep shows relevant and accessible to all? - FastCompany

Artworks Mark The Anniversary Of Emancipation In Canada

But many artists and other Canadians wonder where the info is about what came before emancipation - slavery in Canada. - CBC

Teens Cash In On The NFT Art Boom

Inevitable in the TikTok-driven universe? "NFT markets like Atomic Hub, Nefty Blocks and OpenSea are filled with creators barely old enough to drive. They promote their work not through blue-chip galleries or auction houses but on social media." - The New York Times

What Should Be The Next Big Fantasy Adaptation After Game Of Thrones?

And considering that series' success - though a very rapid fall-off after the ... let's call it disappointing ... final season - why aren't there more adaptations? - Washington Post

Pat Hitchcock O’Connell, Who Brought Her Mother To The Forefront As A Co-Creator Of Her Father’s Movies, 93

McConnell acted in a few of Alfred Hitchcock's movies, and had an acting career of her own separate from him. But "while her acting career was linked to her father, she made clear in her book that her mother had a strong cinematic partnership with him." - The New York Times

The Fine, Poetic Art Of Literary Name-Calling

Consider "Tricky Dick," "Slick Willy," and, of course, the recent president, that "short-fingered vulgarian." - LitHub

The Hottest, Weirdest Thing In The Game World Right Now

It's a board game. About birds. - Slate

The Future Of Live Events Is Hybrid

At least, according to the Edinburgh Book Festival's director, who says, "One thing is for certain, we are not going back to the festivals of 2019." - BBC

The Originally Unplanned Yet Very Special Holiday Episode Of Ted Lasso

Sorry, but how did they pull this off? And why Christmas in August? (Spoilers in the article. Lots of delightful spoilers.) - Los Angeles Times

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