"It is called 'The Arts of Islam: A Past for a Present', and each of its 18 participating venues contains 10 works intended to challenge the image of joyless Islamic bigotry internalised by many French people … (and) save the young from the prejudices of their parents." - Apollo
"As the pandemic has spurred an entrepreneurship boom, many public libraries have stepped in to meet a growing need among new business owners, particularly those without the resources to seek paid help," such as people without a high school degree and the formerly incarcerated. - Bloomberg CityLab
"During the months when the pandemic kept Broadway shuttered, a hypothesis took hold: Once theaters reopened, the audience would include more New Yorkers and fewer tourists, and the result could be a more receptive marketplace for ambitious new plays. It did not turn out that way." - The New York Times
Bonelli succeeds David Nixon, who ran the company — based in Leeds but touring more than any other ballet troupe in the UK — for 21 years. - SeeingDance
The merger, announced last fall and officially completed on Jan. 31, is funded by $61 million in donations from foundations and individuals. The money will go toward maintaining the print paper, improving the websites, and hiring 50 new people for the two newsrooms. - AP
The newspaper said that it paid an amount "in the low seven figures" for the game, which was released in October and gained hundreds of thousands of players within three months. The Times says that Wordle will remain free to users. - Ars Technica
It's not easy to do this, since people come from all over the world to see the classics, but the Florence museum's dynamic director, Eike Schmidt, is working to "get the dust off" and exhibit new art in dialogue with the old. - The New York Times
Parents, activists, school board officials and lawmakers around the country are challenging books at a pace not seen in decades. The American Library Association said in a preliminary report that it received an “unprecedented” 330 reports of book challenges, each of which can include multiple books, last fall. - The New York Times
"It's fine to boast about having Amazon and Netflix in our back yard but if they got a better tax credit in France or Mexico, they'd go there. We have amazing landscape, brilliant, technicians, writers, actors but we're not really nurturing the next generation." - BBC
On dating apps, music taste has become one of the primary ways of signalling one’s suitability as a mate – and how, by reducing people to profiles of their likes and dislikes, this taste has been weaponised. - The Guardian
Strasberg began to think about what made some performances succeed and some fail, and concluded that it must have to do with whether or not the actor was feeling inspired. This presented its own dilemma. - The New Yorker
Why is it a problem for a so-called dominant culture to utilize the forms and features of another? The short answer is that it isn’t. Rather, human history is replete with inspired interaction among various ethnicities and the sharing of creative traditions. - American Institute for Economic Research