ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


How Live Dance Came To Times Square At The Very Height Of Lockdown

In the spring of 2020, mad with cabin fever, Jena VanElslander and a few friends started meeting every so often just to dance in the emptiness of Midtown Manhattan. A year later, her TSQ Project is still doing that, only with fully choreographed shows. - Dance Magazine

Folger Theatre Gets A New Artistic Director

Karen Ann Daniels, 45, has been director of the Public Theatre’s Mobile Unit since 2019 and before that had similar audience-engagement responsibilities for six years at the Old Globe Theatre in her hometown of San Diego. - Washington Post

The Tempestuous, Scandalous Life Of England’s First Female Fiction Writer

Lady Mary Wroth, a noble at James I's court, had two bastard children with an Earl who ignored them and dumped her. The cream of London society was horrified when she put those secrets, and many of theirs as well, into a novel and play. - Smithsonian Magazine

Do Women Philosophers Do Different Philosophy?

Underlying this question is a sense that our voices are not seen as philosophers’ voices, but primarily as women’s voices. It is as if women would necessarily have a distinctive point of view, as a group. - Aeon

San Francisco’s War Memorial Opera House Gets New, Roomier Seats

San Francisco Opera chief Matthew Shilvock: "The seats have historically been patrons' No. 1 concern for the building. Letters to me. Letters to the box office. Letters to the city. And with some justification. We had springs coming through some of the seats." - The New York Times

When The Wires Of Our Brain Get Crossed

Some 4 percent of the population experiences this kind of cross-sensory linking, and studies have shown it’s more prevalent in creative people. - Nautilus

The Supreme Court Threw Out This Filmmaker’s Suit Against North Carolina. Now He Has Another Chance

When Rick Allen sued NC for (ahem) pirating his footage of the salvage of Blackbeard's ship, the justices unanimously ruled that citizens can't sue states in Federal court. But a different Court decision offers Allen a new angle: the 5th Amendment's Takings Clause. - The Hollywood Reporter

New “Jeopardy” Host Steps Down

"Over the last several days it has become clear that moving forward as host would be too much of a distraction for our fans and not the right move for the show." - Washington Post

The ‘Netflix Of Italian Culture’ Is Coming (And A Lot of It Will Be Free)

Operating along the lines of France TV's Culturebox, the streaming service offers concerts, theater, dance, opera, virtual museum tours, cinema, and documentaries. It's already online in Italy and Britain and will debut in the rest of Europe and the US in coming months. - Variety

Florence’s Uffizi Gallery Is Sending Art Out To Small Towns

"'Uffizi Diffusi,' or 'Scattered Uffizi,' an initiative concocted by the gallery's director, Eike Schmidt, … aims to build stronger ties between the famous Florentine museum and towns scattered throughout the surrounding Tuscany region by lending them artworks usually kept in storage." - The New York Times

“Pass Over”, Broadway’s First Play Since Lockdown, May Be In Trouble

One unnamed producer says, "The show is bleeding money," and not all of the initial capitalization had been raised when previews began on Aug. 4. Opening night is now three weeks earlier than previously announced, perhaps so reviews can spur more ticket sales. - Forbes

Actors, Get Your Damn Shots Or Get Off The Damn Stage: L.A. Times

Charles McNulty: "Whatever excuses you may have for not doing everything in your power to avoid taking up a scarce hospital bed or putting a friend, family member, colleague or perfect stranger into one, I don't want to hear them." - Los Angeles Times

Substack Is Becoming A Platform For Fiction

"Authors including Elle Griffin, John McWhorter, Maggie Stiefvater, and Matt Taibbi use the service to serialize new books or publish short stories exclusive to their newsletter audiences … the latest of (them) is Anand Giridharadas." - Publishers Weekly

Artist Chuck Close, 81

"(His) larger-than-life portraits, some composed of thousands of small but intricate paintings that served as pixels, made him one of the most renowned artists of the past half century." - The Washington Post

Last Suspect In Dresden Green Vault Robbery Arrested

Six men took part in the theft of priceless historic jewelry from the city's Residenzschloss in 2019; all are now in custody. While their names have not been released, the six are believed to be members of Berlin's Remmo crime family. - ARTnews

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