ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


A Universal Translator Powered By AI

Aleph Alpha, a startup in Heidelberg, Germany, has built one of the world’s most powerful AI language models. Befitting the algorithm's European origins, it is fluent not just in English but also in German, French, Spanish, and Italian. - Wired

Music Critics Make Errors In Judgment All The Time. Why?

Crudely put, it occurs when you don’t have the right conceptual tools for the job. The result is an inability to make sense of what is happening and a resulting tendency to force phenomena into crude, distorting pigeonholes.” - Nightingale Sonata

HipHop Joy Is A Powerful Protest

Hip-hop is so accessible to everybody – where maybe ballet and other styles of dance might have felt unattainable, with hip-hop, the only criteria is you’ve just got to be dope, and that’s it.” - The Guardian

Getting To Know The Shocking Shirley Jackson

To one angry reader, Jackson responded with a single line: “If you don’t like my peaches, don’t shake my tree.” - Shondaland

What Makes A Song Great – Lyrics Or Music?

While a melody can tether you to a song, however, it’s the lyrics that make you want to excavate it. The best songs pull you in beyond their hooky topline. - The Guardian

When Hoaxes Were Invented And The Era Of English Gullibility

The rise of newspapers and magazines meant that tales of the bizarre and the outrageous could circulate widely and quickly, while the rapid increase in printed advertising made it easy to promote stunts and shams. - The Spectator

Sonny Chiba, Martial Arts Master And Star Of Tarantino Movies, Dies Of Covid At 82

"With an acting career that began in the 1960s with a string of roles in Japanese martial arts films and TV shows and went on to include more than 100 films, Chiba became widely known in the west after being name-checked in True Romance" - and being featured in Kill Bill. - The Guardian (UK)

Hung Liu, Artist Who Blended China And The West, 73

"'Five-thousand-year-old culture on my back; late-twentieth-century world in my face' is how Ms. Liu described her life-changing arrival in the United States from China in 1984, when she was 36 and already an accomplished painter." - The New York Times

The National Gallery Cancels Its Postponed Italian Baroque Exhibition

The coronavirus strikes the show in DC again, for the second time in 18 months. "Museum officials pointed to international travel restrictions, the safety of the staff who would install the exhibit, and the potential that the pandemic could worsen." - Washington Post

Satellite Imagery Reveals Azerbaijan’s Destruction Of Armenian Sites

It's not good: "A surge in construction by Azerbaijan, especially of roads, has led to either partial or full destruction of several cemeteries and cathedrals in the area of Shushi, a town with significant cultural importance to Armenians." - Hyperallergic

A 50-Year-Old Art Heist May Soon Be Solved

Artist Leon Kossoff died two years ago, still hoping he'd see the 14 paintings and six drawings stolen in 1972. The truck that left London disappeared from Rome and was later found 17 miles away with the locks smashed and Kossoff's works all gone. - The Observer (UK)

A Film Crew Recreated A Shtetl In Ukraine

And now the media-created shtetl, possibly the most realistic one now in existence in the country, may become a sort of shtetl museum. - Times of Israel

What Little Optimism Might Have Been Left For NY’s Big Concert Got Washed Away By Hurricane Henri

"The Homecoming Concert felt like a stolen glimpse of that alternate reality : live music again, finally; exuberant crowds with few masks in sight. Fitting, then, that its abrupt, weird ending pulled the audience back into a chaotic, uncertain and disappointing world." - Washington Post

The Clickbaitification Of Netflix

It may destroy the streaming giant. - Slate

Kaari Upson, Artist Of Disquiet And Desire, 51

Upson, "one of the most significant artists to emerge from the vibrant Los Angeles art scene this century, won early attention for The Larry Project, an open-ended phantasmagoria," and she continued with resin sculptures that merged Americans' bodies with their houses and possessions. - The New York Times

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