ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


The Winter Show Is Back On, For Now, In The Spring

The art fair was online only in 2021, and then it was going to be in-person in the, er, winter, and now it's planned for April. The executive director: "There is nothing as good as seeing artworks in person." - The New York Times

Critics Of The Tennessee School District’s ‘Maus’ Vote Are Missing Something

"The elimination of Maus from a Tennessee county language arts curriculum does not live up to its more hysterical billing. It is not a ban, and it does not seem to be motivated by outright bigotry." However: There's something far more sinister on the horizon. - Slate

Dune Leads Nominations At The BAFTAs

What? Yes, the science fiction epic earned 11 nominations - including for Best Picture. - BBC

North Korea Arrests Dance Instructor And Students For ‘Capitalist’ Dance Moves

Teenager dance students and their teacher will likely be sentenced to hard labor, and their parents may be expelled from the ruling party after "the Anti-Socialism Inspection Group caught a dance instructor in her 30s who was teaching foreign-style disco dances." - Radio Free Asia

Native Tribes Push To Gain Some Hollywood Influence With Tax Credits And Production Companies

The Cherokee Nation, for instance, is offering cash rebates. "The ability to take control of that storytelling directly is important, so we want opportunities for our own creative artists to tell their story," says the Cherokee Nation's Principal Chief. - Los Angeles Times

Todd Gitlin Defined The Way Many People Saw The Sixties

Later, Gitlin critiqued identity politics, annoying some former colleagues in Students for a Democratic Society and other causes. In 2021, he pulled together "a group of ideologically disparate writers and activists to oppose continuing efforts by Republicans ... to undermine free and fair elections." - The New York Times

Lou Stovall Took Screenprinting From Grocery Stores To Gallery Walls

"In those days, silkscreen was mostly used for commercial posters. Bold, flat, attention-getting signs — STOP, or SALE. Curator Danielle O'Steen says 'he felt silkscreen didn't have to be flat.' And so the experimentation began: 'He and some artists helped turn it into an art form.'" - NPR

The Perfect Wordle Guessing Strategy Teaches Us Quite A Lot About English

"In Wordle, your own language skills, memory, and the Wordle dictionary mean that no human (with the possible exception of an eccentric memory champ) could correctly identify 12,972 eligible words in as many guesses." - Slate

Study: Documenting How Humans Have Altered Evolution

They confirmed, for instance, that on average, all over the world, animal species seem to be getting smaller. This runs contrary to a theory of evolution called Cope’s rule, which posits that species should increase in size over time. - Wired

Smithsonian Chooses Founding Director For New National Latino Museum

The museum, along with the Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum, was authorized by Congress in December 2020. The museums will be the first new Smithsonian venues since the National Museum of African American History and Culture opened in 2016. - Washington Post

Remembering Post Modernist Choreographer David Gordon

He combined movement and words in ways that could be stimulating or jolting, focusing on family or fantasy, or delving into Ionesco, Shakespeare, or Aristophanes. - Dance Magazine

The Book Tour Has Gone Online (It Might Stay There)

Even as international travel restrictions are being lifted, some writers say they will continue to carry on with virtual events because they are more convenient and accessible. They say this has the additional benefit of leaving them with more time to focus on their craft. - BBC

Spotify’s Pickle: It Needs Rogan And Music Lovers

Spotify’s business needs all the podcasters it can get. Especially ones like Mr. Rogan, who draws listeners by the millions. But the threat of popular musicians drawing listeners off the platform in protest of Mr. Rogan or any other controversial podcast content can’t be dismissed, either. - The Wall Street Journal

Is This Little Bejeweled Sphinx Really “The Talisman Of Napoleon” (And Worth $250 Million)?

Ben Davis: "Allow me to introduce you to the evidence in favor of the Talisman's authenticity and importance, which has impressed noted Napoleonic jewelry experts such as Pat Boone, the Eisenhower-era hit-maker and conservative Christian icon." - Artnet

What Happens To Your Brain In A Bad Breakup

Love changes us so deeply—at a physiological level—that when it’s lost, we hurt more than if we had never loved at all. - The Atlantic

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