ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Why Movie Theatres Need Vaccine Mandates

In an uncertain time, vaccine mandates for eligible moviegoers might be the only way to salvage the long-term future of the cinema experience. - The Atlantic

Kuwait Freaks Out Over One Women-Only Belly Dancing Class

"The Kuwaiti Ministry of Commerce and Industry rushed to close down a sports club and suspended all its activists for the foreseeable future, in response to a crisis sparked by popular and parliamentary protests over the fitness club's belly dance class." - Global Voices

How Could Sony Have Let The Mike Richards ‘Jeopardy!’ Fiasco Happen? Like This

In case anyone was still wondering, yes, Richards-as-executive-producer definitely rigged the choice of Richards as host. Here's a look at the circumstances, expected and unexpected, that led Sony Pictures Entertainment to a PR disaster at its biggest game-show property. - Vulture

As Pandemic Worsens, So Does Outlook For LA’s Small Theaters

"And so the question looms: How much longer can these companies stay afloat financially? With pandemic funding drying up, 99-seat theaters are scrambling to stay on track with reopenings that were planned during better days." - Los Angeles Times

NBCUniversal Seeks To Boot Nielsen From Top Of Ratings Measurement Business

Nielsen had long been the undisputed master of counting broadcast media's audience, but its traditional methods have had trouble accurately measuring the number of people streaming programming online. NBCU has had enough and is actively assembling alternatives. - Variety

Smithsonian Kicks Off Major New Project On America’s Racial History

"'Our Shared Future: Reckoning with our Racial Past' (is) an ambitious multiyear program … that will tap into the vast expertise of the Smithsonian to examine the history and legacy of race through conversations, community events and digital content." - The Washington Post

Met Opera Reaches Deal On Contract With Orchestra

"The agreement concludes several months of tension over how significant future pay cuts would be for musicians, who went for nearly a year without pay during the pandemic." - The New York Times

Edinburgh Fringe Starts Emergency Campaign To Raise $10 Million

"The Edinburgh festival fringe has launched a £7.5m emergency appeal after it lost millions of pounds during the COVID pandemic. … (The Fringe) was entirely shut down in 2020 and this year has operated at a fifth of its normal size." - The Guardian

Almost 5000 COVID Infections Linked To Cornwall Festival

Health officials said 4,700 people who have tested positive for coronavirus confirmed they had attended the festival in Newquay or had connections to it. About three-quarters of them are aged 16-21 and about 800 live in the county. - Irish Times

John Cleese Making A Show On Political Correctness

“There’s so much I really don’t understand, like: how the impeccable idea of ‘Let’s all be kind to people’ has been developed in some cases ad absurdum." - Irish Times

We’re Living Through A Time Of Disasters. Will They Make Us Tougher Or…

After surviving a disaster, a minority of people become more resilient, so that, should another disaster strike, they are better able to cope. For most people, though, the stress compounds. - The Atlantic

The Grateful Dead Archive Contains Thousands Of Streamable Concerts. But What’s Really Cool Are The Fan Comments

Read in bulk, certain repetitions emerge. Recordings are “tasty” and “crispy,” “gifts” and “treats,” but also “killer” and “monsters.” Eyebrows bounce and mouths hang loose. - N + One

Wanted: Theatre Directors Without Vision

"The laser focus on a director’s vision is problematic. It sets the director up as a prophet rather than a leader. It focuses on a destination, an imagined end goal, and not on the journey." - Howlround

Whistled Languages Are Not Dead Yet

In at least 80 cultures worldwide, people have developed whistled versions of the local language when the circumstances call for it. … By studying whistled languages, (linguists) hope to learn more about how our brains extract meaning from the complex sound patterns of speech." - Knowable

Martin Scorsese On Working With Fran Lebowitz

“My approach to our conversation was to listen to her; I would get angry, happy, inspired,” Scorsese explains. “Fran is, to me, asking very serious questions even when she’s being humorous about things. Deadline 

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