ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Why The Oxford English Dictionary Has Added 6 Korean Words

"They show how Asians in different parts of the continent invent and exchange words within their own local contexts, then introduce these words to the rest of the English-speaking world, thus allowing the Korean wave to continue to ripple on the sea of English words." - BBC

The Odd Contortions Of Hollywood’s New Movie Museum

The Academy has created spaces that, as it declared last year, would “prioritize the experience of traditionally underrepresented or marginalized people.” Unfortunately, this embrace of an ideology of diversity, even in this grand, often entertaining space, too often diminishes what it seeks to enlarge. - The Wall Street Journal

Andras Szanto: The Permeability Of Ideas Versus Our Institutions

"To what extent does the artistic institutional system become distanced from primary creativity?  The system of scientific institutions is no less problematic. Sooner or later it will reflect its own institutional logic more than the needs of society." - Designisso

Capturing The Movement Of Starlings As Art

Kathryn Cooper first films the starlings in 4K resolution. Then, working with clips that range in length from less than a second to more than a minute, she designs algorithms that help her select and splice together a compelling set of frames. - Nautilus

The Novels That Really Want To Change The World? Satires

"'Satire ... does not come with some kind of manifesto for a better world. It tells you what's wrong; it doesn't tell you what you should do.' So political satire often sets out to do as much damage as possible, to sweep away." - BBC

How San Francisco’s Last Video Store Survives

“Part of why I work so hard doing this is that I believe people should have access to more than what’s just currently in print. They should have access to the history of cinema, in as broad a scope as possible.” - San Francisco Examiner

Holocaust Museum LA Plans To Transform Itself With Major Expansion

When it moved into its current location in 2010, the museum expected 15,000 visitors a year; by 2020, it was getting 65,000. Now, with an additional building by Belzberg Architects due to start construction next year, the museum plans to draw 500,000 annually by 2030. - MSN (Los Angeles Times)

Hip-Hop Does Not Owe Anyone Political Consciousness Or Moral Virtue

"To generations of listeners, Public Enemy were the ideal of a hip-hop group: fiery and politically engaged, marching through the streets to demand change. In fact, Public Enemy were an anomaly. Explicit political commentary has played a consistent but relatively minor role in the genre's evolution." - The Guardian

Performative Diversity?

The current emphasis on diversity and inclusivity, however warranted, endangers or distorts a cultural canon that we cannot (in fact, must not) wholly jettison. Indeed, the canon is newly pertinent. - American Purpose

How Three New York City Ballet Dancers Prepared Themselves For An Uncertain Return To The Stage

Gia Kourlas: "To get a better understanding of what this strange time has been like, I checked in with … a member of the corps de ballet, a soloist and a principal to track their experiences … as they made their way to opening night." - The New York Times

Are Audiobooks Superior To Paper?

Audiobooks aren’t cheating. They aren’t a just-add-water shortcut to cheap intellectualism. For so many titles in this heyday of audio entertainment, it’s not crazy to ask the opposite: Compared to the depth that can be conveyed via audio, does the flat text version count? - The New York Times

60-Hour Workweeks Are Regular In Film And TV All Over The World: Survey

"A global survey of working conditions has found long working hours are now the norm across the film and television industries worldwide, with 50- to 60-hour workweeks common among production crewmembers in the 20 countries surveyed." - The Hollywood Reporter

A Wave Of Unionizing At US Museums, With Baltimore The Most Recent

"Workers at the Baltimore Museum of Art have announced plans to form a union, making the employees the latest in a nationwide push for better working conditions and higher pay at art museums, a field that suffers from drastic inequities." - Artnet

Protesters Picket Opening Night At Philadelphia’s Walnut Street Theatre

"The protest is a revival of efforts this summer …(against) what they describe as a toxic culture. … Former employees passed out fliers decrying artistic director Bernard Havard's $745,015 pay and spoke to patrons about the lack of racial representation at the theater." - MSN (The Philadelphia Inquirer)

Houston Symphony And Musicians Sign Longest Contract In Their History

"The contract went into effect Oct. 1 and runs through Oct. 3, 2026. The deal includes matters of health care, restoration of the musicians' pre-pandemic salaries by October 2022 through incremental increases. Musicians also negotiated for additional leave for birth and adoption of a child." - Houston Chronicle

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