The nearly 200-foot-tall NGV Contemporary — which, at 323,000 square feet (140,000 of display space), will be Australia's largest art museum when it opens in 2028 — will feature a 130-foot spherical atrium surrounded by a Frank Lloyd Wright/Guggenheim-style spiral walkway. - The Age (Melbourne)
In class, they re-examined the time Mr. West, the rapper who recently changed his name to Ye, jumped on stage and interrupted Ms. Swift’s acceptance speech during the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. - The Wall Street Journal
Search the hashtag #Philosophy and you could find a tenured professor discussing Aristotle or Hannah Arendt, Plato or Peter Singer. If you're lucky, you could come across a couple of philosophy teachers rapping about the theory of utilitarianism. - Slate
A great first line can spur intense readerly attraction—provoke a compulsion to know more. Let’s call this: love at first sentence. Such a reading experience is also a rare one, however. - LitHub
"It's better now. Back in the day, I might as well have been a radio in the corner." "Sometimes I see a dancer who I think is totally compelling and I mention it to the teacher, who then explains all the things wrong with their technique." - Pointe Magazine
The free-admission space, founded in a minority neighborhood in 2012 by a prominent Black artist family, had reopened only a month ago following its pandemic closure. One of the departing co-directors took the reins in 2020, the other only late last year; neither are founding-family members. - ARTnews
You've got to hand it to New Zealanders. The main public library in Christchurch was closed for the national holiday on Feb. 6, but a glitch kept the automated doors open. 380 people came and went and used automated checkout; they left a mess, but nothing was stolen. - The Guardian
The union's third annual Diversity and Inclusion Hiring Bias Report found that just under a quarter of contracts went to actors and state managers of color, up 3.3 percentage points from 2016-19, with those union members averaging 91.8% of the pay their white colleagues received. - Deadline
Among the statistics in this report are that, in 2021, two-thirds of US dance festivals studied were headed by women, almost two-thirds of the works recorded and streamed were by women (though only 38% of live works), and festivals directed by women present more choreography by women. - Dance Data Project
"There have been persistent theories that wealthier children may be given an advantage in their school careers by being pressed into visits to art galleries and exhibitions. According to a new academic study, however, outings often regarded as 'middle class' had no correlation with improved GCSE results." - The Observer (UK)
"Several tombs and a leaden sarcophagus likely dating from the 14th century have been uncovered by archaeologists at Paris's Notre-Dame cathedral following its devastating 2019 fire. … Elements of painted sculptures were (also) found just beneath the current floor level of the cathedral." - France 24
Since Russia invaded Ukraine, shocking much of the world, Russians working in creative spheres have found themselves squeezed from within and without. - The New York Times
Francis Kéré has made a name for himself with a series of schools and medical facilities in Africa that appear grown out of their context, built by local communities with the bare minimum of resources.- The Guardian
According to the statement, Gedeon was among three staff members who announced plans to resign during a December 2021 board meeting, after expressing concerns about "internal communications, workplace environment and issues of equity and diversity." - Yahoo!
It’s not just that he lied––told tales––to people in the business of telling (and selling) tales. It’s that, in doing so, he touched up against an uncomfortable truth about how little space there can sometimes be between legitimate and illegitimate participation in a collective fiction. - The New Yorker