ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


How The Russian Version Of “Married… With Children” Became A Cultural Phenomenon

So successful was the sitcom that they ended up running out of American scripts to adapt and they soon began writing their own. All told, Schastlivy Vmeste ran for 365 episodes... and the show turned its stars into household names in Russia. - Mel Magazine

Pina Bausch’s Former Company Has A New Artistic Director

Boris Charmatz, a 48-year-old French choreographer, has been appointed to lead Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch as of next September — with a mandate to expand the repertory of the company, which has continued to labor in Bausch's shadow since her sudden death in 2009. - Le Monde (in French)

Who’s Listening To Podcasts

In the U.S., 40% of internet users listen to podcasts. In Canada a third (32.8%) listen and in Mexico a quarter do (25.8%). But in the Asia-Pacific region the numbers are smaller. In South Korea and Japan 12% of internet users report listening to podcasts. - Inside Radio

Want To Buy A Villa With Its Own Caravaggio Mural?

"A sprawling villa in Rome containing the only ceiling mural ever painted by Caravaggio is up for sale for almost €500m. The 2.75-metre wide painting Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto was commissioned by Cardinal Francesco Maria Del Monte to adorn the ceiling in his alchemy laboratory." - The Guardian

Decommissioned Church In Detroit To Become New Arts Complex

Gallerists JJ and Anthony Curis have bought the old Good Shepherd Catholic Church in the East Village neighborhood and will reopen it in 2023 as a cultural center with two galleries, a library, workshop space, a sculpture garden, and a skate park. - The New York Times

Afghanistan’s All-Female Orchestra Has Reassembled Itself In Exile

Zohra, a 35-member women's youth orchestra founded in Kabul in 2016, was shut down as the Taliban returned to power, and many of its members fled the country, leaving their instruments behind. Now the group has reconvened in Qatar. - Yahoo! (AFP)

Mort Sahl, Who Created Political Comedy As We Know It, Dead At 94

He became famous for walking to the microphone with a newspaper and riffing on whatever stories he found there. (Time magazine called him "Will Rogers with fangs.") As actor-filmmaker Albert Brooks put it, "Every comedian who is not doing wife jokes has to thank him for that." - AP

Lost Novels by Céline Resurface, And Old Arguments Break Out Anew In France

By means he won't disclose, a journalist acquired thousands of manuscript pages by Louis-Ferdinand Céline, revered in France for literary craftsmanship but reviled for anti-Semitism and collaborating with the Nazis. That conflict is being rehashed, and a battle with Céline's heirs has arisen. - The New York Times

England’s Arts And Culture Sector To Get An Extra $1 Billion In The Next Budget

"The culture sector in England will receive £850m in extra funding from the Treasury in the Budget to be announced this week by Chancellor (of the Exchequer) Rishi Sunak." - The Art Newspaper

France Passes Another Law To Protect Bookstores From Amazon

For years it has been illegal in France to sell new books at a discount, which has kept bookstores from being undersold by the e-commerce giant. Free shipping is prohibited as well — so Amazon has been offering shipping for one cent. New legislation ends that loophole. - Reuters

Ron Mercer Collected 2000 Music Instruments. Why?

"I get bored or start counting the same thing twice, so I'd say probably close to 2,000." Two narrow walkways allow Mercer or his visitors to wander through the collection which, despite looking a bit chaotic, is meticulously categorized. -CBC

Why It’s So Important To Figure Out Who Gets To Own Our Data

Our problem today lies in finding a model of data ownership that recognizes the collective interest we have in how personal data is used, that avoids the profound costs of free-wheeling private exploitation by individual firms, and that does not slip into authoritarian state control. - Boston Review

Journalism’s Obsession With Metrics Is Killing It. The Lessons Apply To Culture

Such dynamics incentivize journalists to craft their reporting according to clickbait criteria that emphasize controversy, conflict, sensationalism, and anything that prompts people to engage with stories, thereby generating more advertising revenue. - Jacobin

Orchestras And The Vaccine Requirement

“People are being forced to do this, not invited. I’ve already had COVID, and I had a terrible reaction to a vaccine in my early teens that put me in the hospital. My doctor told me I don’t need this.” - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Like Sports, Ideas Have To Be Played To Be Tested

Sport is fundamentally about what you do when the chips are down, not what you say or plan beforehand. What matters is how well you perform in the moment. Athletes have skin in the game when it comes to their progress. There is a consequence for a lack of improvement. - Psyche

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