ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Potential Legal Fallout From The Fatal Shooting Of Halyna Hutchins

The experts weigh in - and it's not going to go well for someone. "This doesn’t happen without negligence. There are safety protocols that are supposed to be followed. It’s really just a matter of who’s negligent and how the responsibility gets parceled out." - Los Angeles Times

Inside The Phantom’s Return To Broadway

So much celebration ensued - and, well, perhaps for good reason. "The show, which opened on Broadway in 1988 and has never closed, takes its first post-pandemic bow not just as a monied buttress for the industry, but as a symbol for Broadway’s own endurance." - Variety

The Race Against Time To Save Australia’s Archives

Glass plate negatives, nitrite negatives, lantern slides, paper - all can disintegrate and decay. What will the digital records of these tangible archives tell humans in a century or two? - The Guardian (UK)

There Are So Many Trump Books

Virginia Heffernan read them for us. "Loathsome characters bring out zestful writing, and authors who represent Trump as perilous to democracy ... could find that the danger the former president poses to America’s future is more cinematic than democracy itself." - The Atlantic

Five Seasons Of Issa Rae’s ‘Insecure’ Helped Open Doors For Black Creatives In Hollywood

And, if one can remember when Rae was working on the show, one might say "That's exactly as Issa Rae intended." - Time

Actor Sues Musical, Saying He Was Fired Because He Is Christian

One of Come from Away's former leads, Chad Kimball, "claimed he was terminated 'wholly or partly' because of his religious beliefs." - The New York Times

Sure, Humanity Would *Totally* Unite Against Aliens

That's sarcastic. It's a bad movie and book trope. We can't even unite against a virus. - Slate

Painting Is Back In Britain, Baby

The Young British Artists are well established institutions, but now so-called Young British Painters, including several who are Black women, "are grabbing the attention and the cash, with some of their work fetching more than £1m a canvas." - The Observer (UK)

Diane Weyermann, Producer Of RBG And An Inconvenient Truth, 66

Weyermann (the NYT obit is here) is remembered by Ai Weiwei: "Her passing a huge loss to like-minded people; like a bridge of hope and imagination washed away in the storm." - The Guardian (UK)

The Set Of ‘Rust’ Had Multiple Gun Problems Before Halyna Hutchins Was Shot

Two accidental discharges on Oct. 16 led to multiple crew members walking off the set. A veteran professional armorer said "that the chain of events described in the affidavit struck him as a 'red flag.'" - The New York Times

What It Means To Lose, And Regain, A Language

Ask the grandchildren of immigrants - they know all too well. But one thing is clear: Shaming younger generations doesn't work. "If the end goal is to farther fluency ... then we need to be more positive about how we embrace young people for trying." - Sahan Journal

Memorials Can Make A Shift In How California – And The US – Sees Its History

As L.A.'s Chinese American Museum makes plans with full city support to commemorate the massacre of 1871, it's a good time to consider which monuments, and to whom, are visible around the country. There's so much more history to tell. - Los Angeles Times

Cambodia Asserts That The Met Has Dozens Of Looted Antiquities

This isn't idle speculation. "Cambodian officials said they have developed a spreadsheet of 45 'highly significant' items at the Met that the evidence suggests were stolen before being donated or sold to the museum." - The New York Times

Halyna Hutchins, 42, A Cinematographer Who Was On The Edge Of A Breakthrough

Hutchins, killed by a prop gun, was finally on her way up. One director wrote, "She worked tirelessly for eleven years, and her career just started to take off this year. And it ends like this? ... Why does this industry take forever to notice a talent?" - Washington Post

Netflix Still Isn’t Any Viewer’s Friend

Look ... its social media accounts, including one touting LGBTQI+ content, may have a personal feel, but Netflix is about profits. "What is surprising is how long Netflix managed to convince both its users and its workers that they weren’t like anybody else." - Slate

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