ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Pictographs May Be Beautiful To Look At, But They’re Not Now And Never Have Been Meant As Art

Petroglyphs and pictrographs aren't "rock art" - they're heritage objects. "Vandalism and theft is a physical attack on heritage objects. Another is appropriation of imagery that does not belong on t-shirts, mugs or any other tourist trap merchandise." But what do they mean? - Oregon ArtsWatch

An Australian State Orchestra Finally Gets An Indigenous Conductor

At least for a brief time: Noongar man Aaron Wyatt "conducted the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (MSO) in Long Time Living Here, a musical Acknowledgement of Country." And, Wyatt notes, for once he wasn't the only Indigenous classical musician at the symphony. - ABC (Australia)

Ancient Roman Porta-Potties

How do we know the pots weren't used for something like olive oil instead of, well, feces? Ah, science: "Intestinal parasitic worms trapped in layers of mineralization from years of use as a chamber pot." - Hyperallergic

The Sleep That Never Ends

If we're feeling surveilled, it might be because our electronic gadgets never really turn off. Instead, they're "sleeping" - or perhaps lying in wait. "This is mostly a good thing, improving our lives, though I also worry it adds to our sense of disquiet." Er ... yes. - Slate

Looking For Electrifying, Informative, Creative Books For Black History Month?

If you're tired of the same old lists, the editors of The Rumpus will definitely surprise you with an eclectic list ranging from memoir to mystery to essay to short story that can go far beyond February's short confines. - The Rumpus

A Massive Renovation In Glasgow Goes Right For Visitors, And Wrong For Architecture

The Burrell Collection "represents a road that turned out to be less travelled in modern British architecture, where buildings were considered as things composed, like music or poetry." Or, rather, it did represent that road. After a five-year, £68 million renovation, things have changed. - The Observer (UK)

Julie Saul, Effervescent Manhattan Gallerist Who Began Championing Photographers Out Of An Upper West Side Apartment, Has Died At 67

Saul, an art historian with the ability to be bluntly honest with her artists but also to protect them fiercely, created a place for mixed media artists, photographers, and artists from opera composers to the fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi. - The New York Times

Is Someone Taking These Little Free Library Books To Censor LGBTQIA Content?

Possibly! "This clear-out of the Little Queer Library comes at a time when Waltham Public Schools have placed two LGBTQ books under review, Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe and This Book is Gay by Juno Dawson." The LGL owners have vowed to restock. - LitHub

Biden Reverses Trump’s Restrictions On Art

"The Biden administration revoked order, reversing Trump’s rule that the Art in Architecture program’s commissions must depict prominent American historical figures, events, and 'ideals upon which our nation was founded.'" The GSA seems relieved. - Hyperallergic

If You Love Toshiro Mifune In Kurosawa Movies, Add These To Your TBW List

The actor made 170 movies, only 16 with Kurosawa. "Mifune might not have been working with his favorite director, but watching these, it’s clear that he still brought his expressive physicality, his quicksilver emotion and his unparalleled charisma to the set every day." - The New York Times

Books By Women Get Different Treatment Than Do Books By Men, Says Canadian Author

Sheila Heti: "It’s been really interesting reading the reviews for Fuccboi and comparing them to my reviews for Motherhood. Critics give him the benefit of the doubt, assume he knows what he’s doing, that he’s made conscious choices. No one’s saying, ' is the author.'" - The Guardian (UK)

Those TikTok Surveillance Videos Asking Amazon Delivery Drivers To Dance Are Actually Horror Movies

Demanding your delivery person dance is, let's say, not great. "Forcing another person to dance for you is a classic villain move rooted in the folklore traditions of many cultures, these customers proceed to shamelessly post the evidence to social media." - The New York Times

The Relatively Short Long Game Of Getting NFT Collectors Interested In Physical Art

Maybe this was the end goal of the (environmentally destructive) infatuation with NFTs? "Catering to the tastes of the crypto nouveau riche has become the frantic obsession of the commercial art world, which is reshaping itself around these new collectors." - The New York Times

What Reality TV Shows Us About How Very Limited People Are About Motherhood

We've got an issue with mothers, and let's note that "the idea that they should be constantly emotionally available to their children, monitor them fully, and occupy them with organized activities is a modern, Eurocentric ideal." - The Atlantic

Reclaiming A More Complex Music History For, And In, Nashville

"Authoritative tellings of Nashville's music history have centered institutions like the Grand Ole Opry and Music Row. ... But that focus neglects a world of activity that went on in the historically Black part of town." Brassville aims to change and reclaim that history. - NPR

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