"As with any compartmentalizing of genre, there is something in the title that implies a diminishment, as if today, as in ancient Greece, the act of eating were too frivolous to be worthy of serious meditation." - T — The New York Times Style Magazine
"As far as the journalistic establishment was concerned, crosswords were another mindless fad used (by tabloids) as a substitute for good editorial, to keep readers coming back — much like BuzzFeed quizzes were in the 2010s." Yet the ways that establishment described the effect of crosswords were tabloidesque. - The Big Think
Northern Ireland Opera's performance of Sondheim's Into the Woods in Belfast last Saturday was cut short at the intermission after spectators moved around and talked so much that the cast complained to house management and ushers were abused as they tried to maintain order. - Belfast Telegraph
It's a good idea: audiences like it, and excellent music gets revived in the context it was meant for. It's not the technical difficulty of synching precisely with the film. The difficulty, writes Michael Phillips, is with which movies are and aren't available and why. - MSN (Chicago Tribune)
"Last week, a three-person board reviewed a 2019 ruling against Steven Thaler, who tried to copyright a picture on behalf of an algorithm he dubbed Creativity Machine. The board found that Thaler's AI-created image didn't include an element of 'human authorship' — a necessary standard, it said, for protection." - The Verge
Of the 23 competitive awards, eight — editing, sound, makeup, original score, production design, and the live action, animated, and documentary shorts — will be announced and presented before the main ceremony and then edited into the live broadcast. - The Hollywood Reporter
Orchestras still face the possibility of disruption by future waves of the virus, making planning difficult. In some bustling international markets, including China, quarantine rules are so strict that tours are nearly impossible. - The New York Times
What happens when a press does more than increase its roster of writers of colour? What happens when diversity is built into its very structure? Mémoire d’encrier suggests that the results can be transformative. - The Walrus
The Shakespeare and Company Project is a relational database and web application. The Project uses documents from the Sylvia Beach Papers at Princeton University Library and other libraries to give researchers and the general public access to the world of Shakespeare and Company. - Cultural Analytics
“Our responsibility is to save the BBC from itself, because it is that polar bear on a shrinking ice cap,” she said. “It’s a global British brand, which must be protected.” - Deadline
The streaming age has been hard on independent musicians. In 2020, analytics company Alpha Data examined data based on 1.6 million artists who released music to streaming services and found 90 per cent of plays were generated by one per cent of artists. - The Conversation
In particular, he was the first to use polyester resin and Plexiglas to make sculptures. (He learned how to shape and sand them in shop class.) His goal as an artist, he once said, was "to cut out large chunks of ocean or sky and say: 'Here it is.'" - ARTnews
Managers and staff who are leading DEI initiatives at their stations describe unanticipated delays in implementing action plans, misunderstandings over the roles of staff committees, and concerns about the intensity of the work yet to be done. - Current
It hasn't been seen since; many people feared that city authorities decided to melt it down, as the Vichy regime did with its predecessor in 1941. Finally, a deputy mayor has said it will be back "sometime this year" and explained why it's been gone so long. - The Observer (UK)