"Complaints about drunken, chaotic and argumentative audience behaviour have been reaching fever pitch. 'It feels like every bloody day there's a new debate about theatre etiquette,' says one theatre usher. 'And I hate to stereotype, but the worst incidents seem to happen at jukebox musicals.'" - The Observer (UK)
For years now, each day has brought a torrent of new TV shows to watch, movies to see, albums to listen to, podcasts and YouTube videos and now Substack newsletters to check out. Living in the digital era has meant existing in a perpetual state of “How can I possibly get to it all?” - Boston Globe
"Now, the Off Off Broadway nonprofit theater is fighting to come back — this time with a new hybrid structure built to give complete artistic autonomy to a group of writers, directors and actors that has spoken out against the old Flea." - The New York Times
"My background as an author is in young adult fiction, an area in which sensitivity readers are common, especially in the US, so I’m less fazed. I have also been a sensitivity reader, informally." - The Guardian
"The Portland Museum of Art has embarked on an $85 million project leaders say will fundamentally transform the museum, bolstering its endowment and unifying its downtown campus with a physical expansion that will more than double the museum's current space." - MSN (The Boston Globe)
"While he may never have been the subject of a proper survey at a major museum, Csuri's status within the history of digital art is virtually uncontested." In 1995, Smithsonian Magazine wrote that he "may be the nearest thing, in this new art form, to an Old Master." - ARTnews
It's more than resignations and cancellations. The Kiev City Ballet , on tour in France when Russian forces attacked, is now stranded. A principal with Ukrainian National Ballet was warned not to return home from Rome; at least two others have traded tights for camouflage and weapons. - Pointe Magazine
Awkwardly, the list was finalized before Putin's forces attacked Ukraine. The locations included range from world-renowned (Teotihuacán) to very ancient (cave paintings in the Amazon) to African Modernist (the People's Palace in Ouagadougou) to embattled (the old cities of Beirut and Benghazi) to offbeat (Kolkata's Chinatown). - Smithsonian Magazine
The state House of Representatives has approved an amendment that removes the exemption libraries, museums, and schools had from a longstanding law against exposing minors to "pornography," including any verbal descriptions of sexual excitement, and "any other harmful material." - Boise State Public Radio
"The J. Paul Getty Trust, a nonprofit that oversees the Getty museum complex in Los Angeles, is suing the financial services firm Allianz Global Investors, alleging that the company 'recklessly' mismanaged the trust's investment fund, resulting in 'significant losses' for the organization's endowment." - ARTnews
"In one partially empty gallery of the Andrey Sheptytsky National Museum (in Lviv), employees placed carefully wrapped baroque pieces into cardboard boxes. A few meters away, a group walked down the majestic main staircase carrying a giant piece of sacred art, the 18th century Bohorodchany iconostasis." - AP
Tourism is attractive because it underwrites a desire that, when we go overseas, stuff doesn’t get too strange, risky or foreign. Increasingly, we travel not to decentre our worldviews or challenge our sensibilities, but to chillax and populate our Instagrams. - The Guardian
Bemused gamers and tech experts, meanwhile, wondered what possible uses a company such as Epic – itself 40% owned by Chinese gaming megacorp Tencent – might have for the direct-to-fan marketplace for MP3s of niche musical genres like vaporwave and chiptune. - The Guardian
But the artist says the aftermath has made him calmer, and more focused on different goals. "I’ve been attempting to make paintings which speak to connection, reaching towards empathy. The noise of previous work gave way to something quieter." - The Guardian (UK)
The maturity of the subscription market varies by industry, but in some of the categories best known for these kinds of services, there are indicators that the ceiling is close, at least in the United States. - The Atlantic