ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


The Deep Emotional Appeal Of Nature Photos

Photos of animals bypass logic and get directly to the heart. One photographer makes sure her subjects are looking directly at the camera: "We don’t have a common language, and like eye contact between humans, it creates such a connection." - Hyperallergic

Lin-Manuel Miranda Turned Jonathan Larson’s Solo Show Into A Filmed Rock Opera

It's not a direct adaptation: "Miranda and his co-writer Steven Levenson (Dear Evan Hansen) have added music from Larson's other shows, tweaked some of the character arcs and even removed an entire subplot about Twinkies." - BBC

How Saturday Night Live Turned Itself Into The Internet

"Given the anxious state of the world today, watching the show has started to feel uncannily like doomscrolling through a social-media feed." That's mixed with daffy bits, of course - just like Twitter. - The Atlantic

San Antonio Symphony Musicians Strike To Prevent Personnel And Pay Cuts

Mary Ellen Goree, principal second violin: "I cannot sit on stage in my chair knowing that 26 of my colleagues lost their jobs just so I could hold onto two-thirds of mine. ... It’s a moral issue." - Spectrum News (San Antonio)

We Need To Puncture Our Knowledge Bubbles

"What we don’t know — about the lives of our neighbors and fellow citizens and why they think the way they do — is almost as important as what we do know." - The New York Times

An Ancient Book’s Journey From Irish Bog To Museum

It was a scary path. "Archaeologists placed the 'conglomeration' of squashed pages, leather and turf in a walk-in cold store in the museum at 4C. But there was no manual in the world to guide Gillis on how to go about the task." - The Guardian (UK)

An Appreciation Of Dave Hickey, Prolific Art Critic

Christopher Knight: "Lots of smart people write smart things about art but nobody was a better writer than Dave. ... Hickey, a brilliant and cantankerous wit, wrote for the ear. His work needed reading, not scanning, and rewarded effort with pleasure." - Los Angeles Times

Gary Shteyngart On The Keys To Writing Novels Quickly

The novelist, who says it doesn't get any easier no matter how many you've written, has a few tips like, well, write what you know; stop drinking so much; and use his "patented technique called WNW." - LitHub

A Man Who Helped Loot Cambodia Wants To Atone, And Recover The Artifacts

Toek Tik was "an unschooled man from a thatch-roofed hut who recently began disclosing to authorities how he oversaw hundreds of confederates as they swept through temple ruins, pillaging sculptures and other treasures." - The New York Times

Why Are Online Art Shows Phoning It In?

After all, we've had nearly two years to experiment and make them at least decent, if not great. - Hyperallergic

This Year, Says The Palme D’Or Winner, Women Kicked ‘Serious Ass’ In Film

The winner at Cannes, Julia Ducournau is excited "about the current boom in female horror; she particularly rates British films by Rose Glass (Saint Maud) and Alice Lowe (Prevenge)." Women, she says, have a special relationship with horror. - The Observer (UK)

How Pianist Bruce Liu Won The Chopin Competition

According to the Canadian pianist Liu, the answer after an extra COVID year was spontaneity. "That was the challenge, actually: to not get bored of yourself after playing these pieces and practising them for thousands of hours." - CBC

Lockdown Band The Verinos Tells Middle-Aged Women It’s Time To Make More Music

"'Often there's that idea that you're just going to dig your garden and go to Zumba or visit a National Trust property,' songwriter and guitarist Ruth Miller said. 'We want to be in a punk band. We don't want to just watch daytime TV.'" - BBC

The Documentary Effect

In recent weeks, documentaries about R. Kelly, Britney Spears, Malcolm X's killers, and Julius Jones appear to have had real-world effects. Why now? Theory: Unscripted content is cheaper; there's more of it; and social media exists. - Washington Post

An Archconservative Flips Out About The Met

The museum has an Afrofuturist room; therefore, civilization as "we" know it is ending. "Conservatives want to conserve. ... But if you value history, shouldn’t you value all histories?" - Hyperallergic

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