ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


The Venice Biennale Was Surrounded By, And Part Of, This Meaning-Free Surreal Moment

Take the NFTs, for example: "banal, tasteless and pointlessly surreal ... The ambiance was somewhere between that of a particularly bad high school art exhibition and a video game expo." - Washington Post

Ady Fidelin Was Man Ray’s Muse, And The First Black Model In Harper’s Bazaar

During WWII, Fidelin also preserved Man Ray's entire studio. "Without her preservation, Strauss said, 'we’d be missing a whole chunk of Dada and Surrealist paintings, drawings and objects.'" - The New York Times

Neil Gaiman Also Experiences The Suck Fairy

The beloved children's (and adult) author on all kinds of books, and the challenges of rereading the Enid Blyton books he loved as a child. "Whatever I loved isn’t there when I go back as an adult." - The Guardian (UK)

Some Movie Sequels Feature Fantastic Characters

Some of them - Harley Quinn, my goodness - even get their own movies. But let's consider possibly the best sequel character ever: Yoda. - Vulture

Grace And Frankie’s Reign Of Terror Is Coming To An End

Happy International Workers Day to Grace and Frankie's service workers! "At restaurants, at the DMV, at big-box hardware stores, and inside delivery trucks, the end of Grace and Frankie surely means that service workers of La Jolla are breathing a sigh of relief." - Slate

A Very, Very Cleaned Up Constable Takes Center Stage

It only took 270 to get the yellowed varnish off. Looks like the 19th century wasn't as dark and dreary as one might previously have concluded, hey. - BBC

An Artist Takes Advantage Of The Bridgerton Moment To Remind Everyone Of The Black Aristocracy

Glory Samjolly, paints oil portraits of Black business owners, artists, writers, and intellectuals in the styles of the European old masters, but she also runs an Instagram account where she posts historical works of Afro Europeans. - The New York Times

Benin’s Rights-Teaching Girls Band

Like the US band The Linda Lindas, Star Feminine Band make music both for themselves and for a wider audience - an audience that is rapidly becoming international. - BBC

Fantasy Writers Should Be Friends With Historical Fiction Writers

And vice versa. Yet it's not so common. "The best science fiction and fantasy and the best historical fiction, it’s not just a period costume drama, it’s also something that resonates with the modern world—with our world—and comments on it somehow." - Wired

What Rome’s Cinecitta Means To Film History

The legendary studio are hosting, live, the Davids - Italy's Oscars. "There are symbolic elements of various types: the Italian film community is back together in person at Cinecittà ... when we’ve managed to fill up the studios." Now Italian movies just need their audience back.  - Variety

The Goal: Something Broadway’s Never Seen Before

After the play Strange Loop, "I told I’d purchased a refrigerator magnet from the merch table, so that every time I walk by it, I can remind myself to question the narratives that run through my mind." - The New York Times

Britain Proposes To Regulate Streaming Services

There are two major government claims: The regulations will protect (innocent?) watchers; and also, regulating streaming will "create a 'new golden age' of British TV." - BBC

TV Writers Enter The Metaverse

"A true metaverse — one accessible by a single gateway, in which life persists even in a user's absence — doesn't yet exist. But its depiction on screen is becoming more frequent and all-encompassing." - CBC

Is Bob Fosse’s ‘Dancin’ The Most Dangerous Job In Theatre?

Changes have been made; one act is gone. The director, who was in the original Broadway show, says, "We evenly distributed the show so there’s less injuries. ... I wanted every dancer to have spots in the show that they’re recognizable and featured to their best ability." - Los Angeles Times

Elon Musk’s Hostile Takeover Of Twitter Is A Reminder That Platforms Are Temporary

But community, real community, including community found on those platforms, can last a lot longer. - Vice

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