ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


How Jewish People Eating Chinese Food Became A Standard Part Of American Christmas

It's not only because Chinese restaurants were the only places open on Christmas back in the day … - Mental Floss

Is The Golden Age Of Travel Over?

The old way it was practised, at vast scale, and across increasingly porous borders, has begun to look like it might be a terminal casualty. At the time of writing, there are only memories, and the work of reorienting ourselves to a more inert and less hospitable world. - Aeon

A Small Ballet Company Bounces Back From Hurricane Ida

Flooding caused by the storm wrecked the studios of Roxey Ballet in Lambertville, NJ; said director Mark Roxey, "The building was submerged in water. It looked like everything had been flipped upside down and shaken in a snowglobe." Here's how the community came to the rescue. - Pointe Magazine

Is Paris’ Grand Palais Throwing Out Its Big Art Fair?

RX France is challenging the validity of the process, claiming that it has received two written commitments to the fairs from RMN-Grand Palais, the public body that owns the beaux-arts building, in 2019 and in 2021. - Artnet

“Dirty Harry” At 50: Portrait Of A Seminal ’70s Antihero

"Partisans on either side looking for affirmation of their stance will be disappointed. … Neither condemning nor condoning his actions, the film offers what may be the clearest image of the archetypal cop's self-perception as the only one willing to do the dirty jobs holding America together." - The Guardian

Omicron Shutdown Comes At A Bad Time For Broadway

This selective information release does little to quell anxieties, and resentment toward the Broadway establishment is often triggered. - Washington Post

Do Egyptians Think Verdi’s “Aïda” Is Cultural Appropriation? Merely Silly? Actually, They Don’t

to Cairo and asked people there about it — and she found that people, even those who've never seen it themselves, seem generally proud of Aïda and its glorification of their homeland's ancient history. - The Guardian

Brigitte Lefèvre Helped Transform France’s Entire Dance Scene Into What It Is Today

She led the way in introducing the country to contemporary dance, not least at the Paris Opera Ballet, which she ran for two decades, and she helped establish choreography centers with resident companies throughout France. Here she talks about her choices and her legacy. - The New York Times

Even The Color Blue Is Having Supply-Chain Problems

Two factories in France produce much of the world's synthetic ultramarine pigment; one stopped making it, and the other couldn't meet the extra demand and froze exports, causing difficulties for all sorts of businesses worldwide. And there are similar issues with other colors. - Yahoo! (The Washington Post)

Conservatives Trying To Ban Certain Books From Schools Forget About The Streisand Effect

In Virginia, Texas, Pennsylvania, and elsewhere, whether the topic is race, sexuality, history, or something else, grownups trying to keep particular books from teens end up reminding the teens that those books exist and can be obtained from booksellers. - The Guardian

Enormous Changes At The Last Minute At The Philadelphia Orchestra’s “Messiah”

The scheduled conductor and all four soloists, who'd been rehearsing together, tested positive the day before Wednesday's concert — and, rather than canceling, the orchestra managed to round up another cast and conductor within 24 hours. David Patrick Stearns reports on how it went. - The Philadelphia Inquirer

Fifteen Minutes Before Curtain Time, Broadway Playwright Steps In To Save Performance From Cancellation

With three cast members testing positive for COVID and only two understudies available, Keenan Scott II grabbed his script for Thoughts of a Colored Man and decided to go onstage himself. (Alas, after the following night's performance, the run was cancelled anyway.) - Playbill

England Doubles The COVID Arts Relief Funding It Announced Just Days Ago

On Monday, the Chancellor of the Exchequer announced that £30 million ($40 million) was being added to Arts Council England's Culture Recovery Fund. On Thursday, that amount was raised to £60 million ($80 million), including £1.5 million ($2 million) earmarked for freelancers. - Artnet

How The Internet Changed Music This Year

The geeks among you will recognize that the words “decentralization” and “distributed network” invoke a nearly 10-year-old model of equitable Web-based information flow, one that’s currently on fire because of the Wild West-mood surrounding Web 3.0, crypto, and NFTs. - Slate

I Think, Therefore I Have Language

So how does language and thought relate, then? And what is “thought”, anyway? Perhaps one way of answering both questions is to determine whether any of the representations language provides – syntactic, phonological, semantic, etc. – are suitable for the “fixation of belief.” - 3 Quarks Daily

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