ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Nielsen Confesses It’s Been Undercounting TV Audiences For A While Now

"The media-measurement giant informed TV networks and other clients Wednesday that it has, since September of 2020, undercounted so-called 'out-of-home' audiences — the people watching programs in offices, bars, hotels and other places — for national TV programming." - Variety

Omicron Is Keeping Older Viewers From Going Out To The Movies

A YouGov poll of 1,000 Americans found that roughly 56% of 18-to-44-year-olds weren't deterred by the new, rapidly spreading coronavirus variant, with only between 20% and 27% actively deterred. That latter figure among those aged 45 to 64 is 39%, with another 37% neutral. - The Hollywood Reporter

Baltimore Is Becoming A Matisse Capital

The Baltimore Museum of Art has roughly 1,200 works by the artist, and it's just opened the Ruth R. Marder Center for Matisse Studies, which will have a library, resident research fellows, and the museum's first exhibition room dedicated to Matisse's art. - Smithsonian Magazine

Millennials And Gen Zers Are Flocking To The Metropolitan Opera

A set of young New Yorkers seems to have decided that the Met is cool. Sure, many of them appear more interested in the dress-up-drink-Champagne-and-be-fabulous aspect than in the art, but that's been true for centuries — and others are finding they like opera. - The New York Times

Spain Declares Export Ban And Formal Interest In Possible Caravaggio

The Madrid regional government has given the painting of the scourged Christ official bien de interés cultural status, which legally requires the current owners to give the government the right of first refusal to purchase the work. - The Guardian

Belgium Shuts Down Its Performing Arts, Too

Following the lead of the Netherlands and Denmark as the Omicron coronavirus spreads, Belgium is ordering theatres, concert halls, and cinemas to close beginning Monday, Dec. 26. - Variety

The Essence Of Who You Are

The essence of selfhood is neither a rational mind nor an immaterial soul. It is a deeply embodied biological process, a process that underpins the simple feeling of being alive that is the basis for all our experiences of selfhood. - Nautilus

Sydney Theatres Band Together For Strict New COVID Policies

Their rules require all visitors to be fully vaccinated while on-site (excluding those under 16 years), and to wear masks while in the theatres and indoor spaces (except when eating and drinking and excluding those under 12 years). - ArtsHub

This Year In Art: Rise Of The NFTs

Nifty Gateway was quick to tout Pak as the most expensive living artist, surpassing Jeff Koons. Still, the Merge sale indicates that there is no shortage of demand for NFTs—and that, if anything, demand is only growing. - ARTnews

As Hollywood Withdraws From China

2022 will be a chapter marked not only by bilateral friction between the two superpowers, but by the Chinese film industry’s decoupling from the broader global film industry as a whole, as the country turns inward under President Xi Jinping. - Variety

Hollywood Has Been Hooked On China’s Money. That May Be Over

The reversal of fortunes in China has begun to accelerate in the past year. In 2021, just 25 U.S. movies were released theatrically in the country, many of which were minor indie titles instead of studio tentpoles. By contrast, some 45 Hollywood movies were shown on Chinese screens in 2019. - The Hollywood Reporter

Pittsburgh Symphony Expands Its Diversity Fellowship Program

The program will support four new fellows each season by the year 2025, making it one of the larger fellowship opportunities in the country. - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Was Don Quixote (And Was Cervantes) Nostalgic For Muslim Spain?

"Cervantes knew that after the terrible, dogmatic reality in which he lived, there would be imagination. But" — having spent years in Algiers — "the power, beauty, humor, and eloquence of Islamic Spain wasn't something he had to imagine." - Public Books

Data: Impact Of Vaccination Rates On Attendance

The number of performances had the largest upside effect on ticket sales in September, with a 20% increase producing a 9% increase in ticket sales.  The price effect also increased a bit, with a 20% price discount increasing ticket sales by 7%.  We expect these trends to continue. - SMU Data Arts

Thirteen (Or More) Ways Of Looking At Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos

2021 is the 300th anniversary of the six extraordinary works. Mark Swed looks at the slew of recordings marking the occasion, from a spectacular period-instrument account to a reissued version from 86 years ago to a set of six new companion pieces. - Yahoo! (Los Angeles Times)

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