ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Adding Back The Color To Those Ancient Greek Statues

A new exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York scatters recreations of what these statues ACTUALLY looked like throughout its galleries: they're painted in garish colors with multiple patterns. - NPR

The Metropolitan Opera’s Inexorable Decline?

The Metropolitan Opera has been on a downward trajectory for fifty years. For the first thirty or so of those, the descent was gradual, uneven, and in most respects reflective of the encroaching decadence of the artform in general. For the last twenty, the rate of decline has accelerated, and in the last few has gone into a new,...

For Romans, A Chance To See Art On Its Way Back Home

The Museum of Rescued Art is rescued from thieves, from looters, and occasionally from natural disasters, or time itself. "I think of this as a museum of wounded art, because the works exhibited here have been deprived of their contexts of discovery and belonging." - The New York Times

What The Newly Discovered Van Gogh Self-Portrait Teaches Us Is This

It's "not hitherto unknown biographical or psychological detail, but an understanding of general artistic process that serves to humanise Van Gogh, to make his image less cartoonish, less grandiose, less ridiculous and pathetic." - The Observer (UK)

Gangnam Style Turns Ten, And It Still Holds Records On YouTube

"In December 2012, “Gangnam Style” became the first music video to earn more than a billion views on the platform. That momentum continued to 2014, when the song exceeded YouTube’s 2,147,483,647-view limit." - Los Angeles Times

Movie And TV Studios Have Extended COVID Protocols Through The End Of September

They're not messing around with omicron variants. - Variety

A Time To Laugh, A Time To Cry

Sometimes, it's easier to attack serious subjects with biting satire - and for Black authors, though that's not exactly new, it is having a bit of a resurgence. - The New York Times

How Relentless Right-Wing Attacks Shut Down An Entire Library

Vinton, Iowa's library shuttered as the staff resigned after a barrage of attacks. The complaints: "That we were not being fair to President Trump because we didn't have books that were equal. ... And that in the marching book, there was a lack of marches such as pro-life." - NPR

Excavation Work Unveils Constantine-Era Rock Layers In Jerusalem

"New excavation findings provide an exciting glimpse into how early churches built within the period known as Late Antiquity were carried out while revealing insights into one of the most sacred sites within Christianity." - Hyperallergic

The Rise Of The Messy-Haired, Self-Hating Sarcasm Machine

How Persuasion got itself Fleabagged, and lost Anne Elliot in the bargain. - LitHub

The Art Of Artificial Intelligence

The truly interesting questions concern curating AI art - and that starts with the words a curator feeds into the program. - Wired

How A Small Town Near Liverpool Got A Shakespeare Theatre For The North

It's been a quarter-century of ideas, fundraising, failed plans, failed lotteries, failed trusts - and a lot, lot, lot of donations. - The Observer (UK)

At Cambridge, Changing 350 Years Of Tradition

Outwardly and proudly sexist tradition, that is, as the Boys' Choir of St. John's College becomes simply "The Choir of St. John's College" — and as girls take their official places in the ranks. - The New York Times

Theatres Go Through A Sea Change With Fight And Intimacy Choreographers

"I think back to when I was her age, and I wonder how many terrific fight choreographers we missed out on because we had these preconceived notions about what fight choreographers looked like. We’ll never know." - Oregon ArtsWatch

Inside The Inventive, Intense Animation For Marcel The Shell’s Big-Screen Debut

"The danger, when you’re dealing with a bigger budget, is that in polishing it up, you might sand down all the things that made it wonderful." - Los Angeles Times

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