Jonathon Heyward, now 29 and chief conductor of the Northwest German Philharmonic, will be (after the late James DePreist of the Oregon Symphony) the second African-American music director of a major US orchestra in history. He begins his initial five-year term in the fall of 2023. - Yahoo! (The Baltimore Sun)
I went to a therapist. She told me (ready?) to stop consuming the news. That felt wrong. Wasn’t it important to be informed? Quitting the news felt like quitting the world. Then one day a journalist friend confided that she was avoiding the news, too. - Washington Post
He was the first Indian artist who successfully combined Indian iconography and subjects with Western techniques and styles. His art influenced Indian literature, music, films, advertising and textiles, and even India's largest selling comic book series. - BBC
The 2018 Chaos Machine by the artist collective Distributed Gallery is an early example of a blockchain sculpture where the use of randomness and algorithmic code also classifies it as generative art. - The Art Newspaper
Mahler and Beethoven left several tantalizing blueprints of their 10th Symphonies behind. Now, computer scientists are developing algorithms for artificial intelligence (AI) to lift the “curse of the ninth” and complete the unfinished works of these classical masters. - Mental Floss
An experienced stage director as well as a renowned administrator, Audi doesn’t just work on grand strategy and schmooze with donors. He also gets into the details of craft, closely overseeing rehearsals. - The New York Times
The big-firm plaintiffs' brief accuses the Internet Archive of "mass-scale copyright infringement" and giving away "full-text digital bootlegs for free." (The Archive's Open Library does the same limited-time lending that public libraries do.) The companies seem really to want to legally establish ebooks as completely different from print books. - The Nation
When you’ve basically got as many subscribers as you can currently, you need your competitors (linear TV, YouTube, TikTok, the great outdoors, etc.) to do worse. So yes, of course, Hastings wants linear TV to kick the bucket. - The Verge
"The award-winning British comedian Tom Parry ... led facilitators in Athens and Lesbos in teaching the infamously nerve-racking art of standup comedy. Speaking to migrants and non-migrants alike, he told them over Zoom that 'you don't need to be funny, you just have to be interesting'." - The Guardian
Greg Lundgren said that he heard “loud and clear” that the exhibition was not the way to have a conversation “around art, wealth and the future cultural landscape of our city” and that “big tech should not be viewed as the underwriters of our future health and vibrancy.” - Geekwire
In number of subscribers, Vox is fourth, behind the BBC, ABC News, and CNN. But in average number of views per video, Vox racks up more than 2 million, four times the tally of the runner-up, The Economist (and more than 14 times that of Fox News). - Press Gazette (UK)
"That beauty is subjective and all of our interests are conflicted. What if we replaced this arbitrary system that we pretend is rational, with a true lottery? One that embraces the chaos of distributing a small pool of resources to a vast ocean of creativity." - The Big Idea (New Zealand)
“They don't care if Kate Bush was big 30 years ago, they're just like, this is the first time we've heard this and it's dope. They don’t care if they’re listening to Debussy, or Max Richter, or John Williams, and they don't care what year it’s from. - ClassicFM