Fifty years of Saturday Night Live will do that to a person. "Writers don’t just conceive and pen sketches—they also produce and direct them, getting a huge say in everything from set decoration to costumes.” - Fast Company
As a 19-year-old at Temple University, Domingo says, “just taking an acting class as an elective, it gave me a voice. ... And it gave me some purpose. You’re creating a community, and you’re doing something and building together.” - Los Angeles Times (MSN)
"The company announced on Friday that it would leave its offices in the West Village of Manhattan and relocate to a 30,000-square-foot space in Times Square, more than doubling its footprint.” - The New York Times
“Edith Mathis a light-voiced Swiss soprano who sparkled in Bach, Mozart and Weber and was the agile-voiced favorite of several of the conducting giants who dominated mid-20th-century concert halls.” - The New York Times
Chief content officer Bela Bajaria: “I think it’s really a bummer for the 100 incredibly talented people who made an amazing movie. … And if you look at the nominations, and all of this awards love that it’s received, I think it’s such a bummer that it distracted from that.” - The Guardian (UK)
Wydro was "a playwright, director and producer who with his wife, Vy Higginsen, poured their life savings into the Off Broadway gospel musical Mama, I Want to Sing, an enduring work of Black theater that ran for more than 2,800 performances .” - The New York Times
Author Louise Penny of the Inspector Gamache series: “I was supposed to launch The Black Wolf at the Kennedy Center in DC, but in the wake of Trump taking over, I have pulled out. … It was, of course, going to be a career highlight. But there are things far more important than that.” - CBC
“Tilted Axis has carved out a unique literary niche, and has caught the attention of critics and prize juries, landing major awards and winning acclaim for writers who were unknown in the Anglophone world.” - The New York Times
After years of lawsuits that included information about just how the statue was trafficked into the United States from a site in Turkey that had been buried in volcanic rubble for two millennia. - Artnet
“In January, Torres made history as the first Brazilian actor to win a Golden Globe. Brazilian fans have been euphoric ever since, exalting every social media post about her and the film with likes in the millions.” - Los Angeles Times (MSN)
Turns out that the mass production of cards led, in effect, to the manufacturing of emotions (not only affection) in and for the people who would buy them. - The Conversation