The death sentence was delivered by the BBC’s director general, Tim Davie, in a statement terminating BBC Four, which televises most of the Proms, and urging the BBC’s six orchestras in London, Manchester, Scotland and Wales to look for “alternative sources of income where possible.” - The Critic
It was an impressive start for an ensemble that didn’t exist a fortnight ago, rapidly assembled from professional Ukrainian musicians in Ukraine and across Europe. - The Guardian
Unlike with many NFTs, buyers will not require a crypto wallet. After the purchase is made on Serenade’s website, a digital wallet is created and the NFT transferred to that wallet. If users have an existing crypto wallet, such as for BitCoin or Ethereum, they can use that. - The Guardian
This uneven division of the revenue was originally calculated to account for the expenses that labels incurred in the manufacture and distribution of vinyl, CDs and cassette tapes. That lopsided split may or may not still make sense in the streaming age, depending on whom you ask. - Variety
“We find clear differences between users at different points of their off-platform lifecycles, with younger listeners consistently exploring less and exploiting known content more.” - Ludwig Van
"The 52-year-old Danish conductor Thomas Søndergård succeeds — and bears some resemblance to — Osmo Vänskä, a Finnish conductor who, at age 48, arrived in Minnesota by way of Scotland with a history of Sibelius recordings, a lively podium presence and unruly hair." - The Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
More artists than ever before are releasing music, the report says, but this does not mean more are successful. Analysis published by the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) shows the number reaching one million UK streams per month remains low, about 1,700. - BBC
The logistics of international orchestral touring are formidable at the best of times. But the Ukrainian Freedom Orchestra’s tour is probably going to set some kind of record, given the speed with which it has had to be planned, the state of health and travel in the world it has been planned for. - Irish Times
When the reporters approached him and asked about his performance, a woman sitting beside him said they didn't speak English. As the man was holding his violin down, with his bow away from the strings, violin music began playing from his speaker. - KOMO
The Austrian-Iranian Alexander Ali Rahbari took to Instagram to announce the news stating that he was appointed by Putin supporter Valery Gergiev and will conduct 10 performances next season. - OperaWire
To be clear, no scalpers were selling those tickets. Instead, a new definition of face value had emerged, one that many fans had never encountered. Confusion reigned, and anguished reactions poured forth in Facebook fan groups, into my inbox and onto Twitter. - The New York Times
Before this year, the controversies around the Greek-born conductor were usually over his music-making, which classical mavens tend to either adore or loathe. But his hand-picked orchestra and choir, called MusicAeterna, are based in and supported by Russia, so institutions elsewhere are under pressure to avoid them. - The New York Times
Julius Eastman: the fierce black queen iconoclast, scorned and consigned to oblivion in his day, is finally being celebrated for his unabashed talent and the sheer audacity of his inimitable genius. - Arts Fuse