ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Percentage Of Women Directors Is Slowly Creeping Upward

The headlines say it's a record, but is 16 percent something to brag about? Hollywood thinks maybe. (It's certainly a better record than 2018's 4 percent. Four.) - Variety

TV Production Stays On Holiday Hiatus In Los Angeles As Covid Numbers Rise And Rise

Positive cases have been identified - in one case described as a cluster of infections - in several of the studios where production won't return for an extra week or two. - Los Angeles Times

Hollywood Had Rules, And In 2020, It Busted Them All

A lot happened to the moviemaking business in 2020, but not a lot of it by choice. "Since March, the industry has, in effect, attempted to defibrillate its own heart attack while also reattaching its severed limbs and recover from a grand mal seizure, all at the same time. We’re lucky to have Croods 2." Yikes. (And here's a list...

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