ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Bury Old Movies & Shows That Now Seem Offensive? This TV Network Has A Better Idea

" 'Can We Talk About This?' video initiative … is designed to acknowledge what may have been acceptable at one point in history is not now and perhaps never should have been. … This way, the networks don't lose programming, but rather get a chance to recontextualize it." - Variety

As It Said It Would, Academy Of Motion Pictures Expands And Diversifies Its Membership

Statistically, the 2021 class is comprised of 46 percent women, 39 percent underrepresented ethnic/racial communities, and 53 international members from 49 countries outside of the United States. - IndieWire

This Pair Returned MGM To Glory. Then Amazon Gobbled It Up. What Happens Now?

Michael De Luca and Pamela Abdy "have compiled a heady mix of A-list directors and compelling material they hope hearkens back to the days when Fred Astaire and Judy Garland roamed the . The next six months will show if their strategy pays off." - The New York Times

Richard Donner, Who Directed Some Of The Late 20th Century’s Biggest Blockbusters, Dead At 91

Early in his career, he helmed episodes of many of the most iconic TV series of the '60s, then he went on to direct The Omen, Superman, The Goonies, Scrooged, and the Lethal Weapon franchise. - Variety

Tik Tok – Now Three Times As Long?

Rather than 60-second video limit, TikTokkers will have three minutes. Will that make them more or less creative? - The Hollywood Reporter

Hollywood Battles With Insurers Over COVID Claims

Fireman’s Fund gives the example of a nonessential crewmember having face-to-face contact with a movie director and then reporting infection, requiring a costly shutdown for 14 days. Who pays? - The Hollywood Reporter

Bollywood Isn’t Nimble Enough To Have Made COVID Films Already, But This Indian Film Industry Is

The Malayalam-language cinema, based in India's best-educated state, Kerala, has managed to produce compelling dramas dealing with the pandemic — from a two-hander shot entirely inside a car to a loose adaptation of Macbeth set on a rubber plantation — despite lockdowns and cash crunches. - The Guardian

Let’s Talk About Green Things In Movies (Fascinating)

What makes a good greensperson? The best of them know how and where to get things, no matter how rare or obscure or out of season. - The New York Times

No Surprise: European Movie Box Office Down 70 Percent Last Year

The European box office plunged 70.4 percent last year, down $6.04 billion (5.1 billion euro) from $8.5 billion (7.2 billion euro) in 2019 to $2.5 billion (2.1 billion euro). - The Hollywood Reporter

Let’s Give Mae West Credit As The Auteur She Was

She doesn't get the respect for her pioneering role that, for instance, Ida Lupino does — because her characters and stories were comic, and because she didn't direct her films. But she did write them, and she often adapted them from stage plays she did direct as well as write and star in. - The New York Times

Steady And Strong: The State Of Public Media Over The Past Decade

That's the conclusion of a new report from the Pew Research Center. Results for last year in particular were that terrestrial public radio listenership was down a bit, public TV audience was up quite a bit, and podcasts keep growing. - Inside Radio

Fox News To Pay $1 Million Fine To New York City

The settlement with the city's Commission on Human Rights is for "a pattern of violating of the NYC Human Rights Law" — that is, the culture of sexual harassment, discrimination, and retaliation for complaints that developed under the network's late founder and chairman, Roger Ailes. - The Daily Beast

An Intimacy Coordinator Explains How Exactly He Works On Set

"Your boundaries can change given the person, given who's in the room, given I'm on a sofa not a bed, that changes how I feel about how we're shooting this scene. Consent is very specific to the context and the moment, and if anything changes, that can change consent level." (podcast plus transcript) - Slate

Judge Strikes Down Feds’ Monopoly Case Against Facebook

The judge eviscerated one of the federal government’s core arguments, that Facebook holds a monopoly over social networking, saying prosecutors had failed to provide enough facts to back up that claim. - The New York Times

What Might Have Been — A Plan For NPR To Be An Arts Powerhouse

Once upon a time, kids, NPR was to have taken its place among other national broadcasters around the world to become the standard for music, and yeah, news. But, to paraphrase, stuff happens. - Current

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