Why? Perhaps because it was concentrated: "With Cannes 2020 called off, Cannes 2021 reaped the benefits of not one but two years’ worth of new movies." - Los Angeles Times
One Alamo Drafthouse audience member: "“I love movies and I have to be in the theater to see a movie. Like, to me, that’s the only way to watch movies." - Los Angeles Times
Many creators — who make and profit off meme-y online content — have already flocked to rival platforms like YouTube and TikTok, which invested in digital tools for influencers far earlier and gave them ways to earn money off their viral videos. - The New York Times
As people start returning to cinemas rather than watching feature films at home as their only option, A.O. Scott considers whether the distinctions between movies, television, and streaming video are collapsing for good — and what we may be losing in the process. - The New York Times
"The idea is to offer video games on Netflix's streaming platform within the next year, according to a person familiar with the situation. The games will appear alongside current fare as a new programming genre — similar to what Netflix did with documentaries or stand-up specials." - Bloomberg
"The program is invite-only but will allow creators to earn money by using certain features on Facebook or Instagram, such as by regularly livestreaming. There will also be bonus structures that encourage creators to sign up for IGTV ads, create Reels or use in-stream ads." - The Hollywood Reporter
Dubbing is a brilliant tool for film censorship. Sound films began to appear in the early 1930s, a time when many countries were falling under the sway of totalitarian regimes. - The Conversation
The former Alabama jurist and Senate candidate sued the actor/mockumentarian over the scene in the Netflix series Who Is America? in which Baron Cohen's supposed "anti-terrorism expert" wields a supposed "pedophile detector" which goes off as it gets close to Moore. - The Hollywood Reporter
It is "one of the first attempts to apply a new copyright directive adopted by the European Union intended to force internet platforms like Google and Facebook to compensate news organizations for their content." - The New York Times
And it isn't just Downton Abbey and Killing Eve: MasterChef and Naked Attraction air in dozens of countries. In fact, other nations are now considering mandated limits, fearing that UK programming is crowding out their own industries. - The Guardian
“Imagine being a theater owner and realizing studios need you less and less every day. Leverage is shifting rapidly in the streaming era toward the studios.” - Deadline
Nifty’s, which launches on Monday, is all about making NFTs more accessible to the average person who may not want to spend money (let alone millions) on a digital file that’s stored on a blockchain network. - Fast Company
We need productions that embrace social realism without condescension, interrogate class insightfully, and present characters that are not caricatures. - The Walrus