ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


What Should You Do If You Make Money From A Film Whose Topic You Find Fairly Gross?

Looks like Anna Kendrick, director and star of the Netflix film Woman of the Hour, which is about a serial abuser and killer, thinks the best thing to do is donate the money. - Los Angeles Times

A.I. Might Actually Be Good For Hollywood

Right now the key benefit is in visual effects: what requires hundreds of hours and people to accomplish using CGI takes a second or two with generative AI. What's more, "agentic" AI (as it's called) can suggest optimum marketing plans and release schedules. - The New York Times Magazine

Comcast Suggests It Might Spin Off Its Cable Channels

“We are now exploring whether creating a new well-capitalized company owned by our shareholders and comprised of our strong portfolio of cable networks would position them to take advantage of opportunities in the changing media landscape and create value for our shareholders.” - Fast Company

Why, Even After 40 Years, “The Terminator” Is Still Unkillable

"Often, films that are products of their time are not wholly embraced until that time has passed, and so it is with The Terminator, an ’80s novelty of remarkable longevity … that touches on all sorts of temporal mind games: the Grandfather Paradox, the Butterfly Effect and the would-you-kill-baby-Hitler thought experiment." - The Washington Post (MSN)

The Jump Scare: All About One Of Horror Movies’ Most Effective Tricks

"Carrie’s final-act stinger was a turning point for jump scares, interrupting what appeared to be a peaceful epilogue. It united viewers in a shared moment of tension-puncturing shock; over the next decade, directors such as Tobe Hooper, Sam Raimi, and George Romero scrambled to deliver bigger and badder scares." - Atlas Obscura

Online Recommendations Are Deeply Broken (Compromised). We Can Fix That

Today’s automated social-media feeds deliver increasingly indistinguishable content now sometimes generated by artificial intelligence; in the face of this onslaught, we crave content with evidence that a real person actually stands behind the products or works being touted. - The New Yorker

What You Can Tell From An Imagined Audience

As researchers have noted, the less an actual audience is visible or known, the more communicators depend on their imaginations. Because journalists can never know precisely who consumes their work and why they do so, they instead form mental constructions of audiences. That has material consequences. - NiemanLab

There’s No Way To Reach The Top Of Hollywood’s Corporate Ladders Because The Boomers Already There Won’t Leave

"Unlike their bosses, some of whom ascended to the heights of authority in their 30s …, young professionals today … see no clear path to the top. Not one that isn’t blocked by an all-powerful boomer who’s been perched in a corner office since the Bush administration. The first one." - The Hollywood Reporter

Some True-Crime Podcasters Are Trying Something Different: Focusing On The Victims

"In a saturated and unregulated landscape, some creators — with little to no training on how to cover crime — try to humanize the people who have suffered. I spoke to four creators for this story, all women. … They prioritize empathy for victims and their loved ones." - Nieman Lab

Is The True Crime Podcast Genre Returning To Its Public Radio Roots?

Serial is, after all, a spinoff of long-running public radio hit This American Life. After Serial's massive success, countless people wanted in on true-crime audio, from individuals with home studios to big commercial outlets. The market got flooded, the corporations started cancelling. Is public radio-style funding the way forward? - Nieman Lab

Decoding Post-Screening Hype Tweets

For instance: "'I’m buzzing': The movie is better than Madame Web.” - Vulture

California’s Governor Says He Wants To Save Hollywood

Gavin Newsom "declared his intent to expand the annual tax credit to $750 million, up from its current total of $330 million, which would make California the top state for capped film incentive programs, surpassing even New York.” - Los Angeles Times

Instagram Makes Popular Videos Look Way Better

And it throttles the heck out of videos with lower viewer counts. That seems fine. - The Verge

Classic Horror Makes A Creepy Return

In gaming, classic survival horror seemed to be over, a blast from the past—but its graveyard is only full of freshly created zombies. And “removing combat makes the game even scarier since you have no way to fight back.” - The Verge

Idris Elba Says He Wants To Boost The Film Industry In Africa By Moving To Several Different Countries

The actor said he’ll found a film studio in Tanzania, and also, "I’m going to live in Accra, I’m going to live in Freetown, I’m going to live in Zanzibar. I’m going to try and go where they’re telling stories – that’s really important.” - The Guardian (UK)

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