“Creatively, it’s sort of like the Wild West — you can do anything you want and find a home for it, but financially it’s like an emergency what’s going on.” - Los Angeles Times
Better than Monsoon Wedding? Better than Sexy Beast? Better than Amèlie?! Well: "The film remains [David Lynch's magnum opus, a perfect distillation of his most lasting fascinations." - The Atlantic
And they all disagree about the most recent adaptation of the anonymously written poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - the movie starring Dev Patel. - Los Angeles Times
Starting in the 1950s, small companies would roam the village festival circuit, setting up tents and showing old films with aging projectors cast off from the cities. Yet, as cell phones and internet service reach rural India, the market for traveling talkies is disappearing. - Atlas Obscura
The ceremony honoring independent film "will replace its best actress and best actor categories with a single category for outstanding lead performance. For the first time, there will be a category for supporting roles: outstanding supporting performance." - The New York Times
The German Marshall Fund has issued a policy paper arguing that the CPB, which currently channels federal money to local public TV and radio stations, should be revamped to include various online platforms and content, with a particular focus on local institutions. - Axios
If so, it's an inside job: reportedly, the chosen candidate, now said to be in advanced negotiations with Sony Pictures Television, is the quiz show's own executive producer, Mike Richards. (Sources warn that it's not yet a done deal.) - Variety
News companies in Canada have been struggling financially and digital platforms have vacuumed up most of the ad revenue that used to go to newspapers and broadcasters. - Toronto Star
Neo-noir "could spell out what the 1940s films could only imply, with themes, violence and sexuality that could only be hinted at four decades before. … In the era of Reagan and MTV, it was a genre that was at the same time throwback and cutting-edge." - CrimeReads
Nicholas Quah writes that the habit, reviled by creators, simply makes it easier to get through mountains of content, leaving time to try stuff (like generic Netflix documentaries) he'd otherwise skip. (And 1.25x speed just doesn't distort things that much.) - New York Magazine