ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


The Arts Went Online During COVID — What Happens When Theatre Audiences Return?

“Right now, a streamed concert that sells well will just about cover the cost, and we have to proof every second of the video. Even once live performances come back, I highly doubt we could offer livestreams because of our small staff.” - Chicago Tribune

Guillermo Del Toro Absolved In ‘Shape Of Water’ Plagiarism Case

"The producers of The Shape of Water will no longer have to contend with a copyright lawsuit that claims that Oscar-winning Guillermo del Toro film infringed the work of Pulitzer Prize-winning author Paul Zindel. On Friday, Disney's Fox units, Guillermo del Toro and other defendants filed court papers indicating that the parties in the litigation had reached an agreement...

Is Network TV Done For?

According to Nielsen, through Feb. 28, ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox and the CW, on average, showed a loss of 23 per cent from the comparable period a year ago. Slippage among Americans 18 to 49 was down by the same margin. - Toronto Star

Ken Burns Does Hemingway

Let’s talk about the Burns Method: the frowning pan across the blotchy manuscript page, the dreamy plunge into the old photograph, the smatters of ambient sound, the talking head who is not so much a talking head as a deeply invested witness. How do you dramatize the interior life? How do you dramatize writing? If you’re Ken Burns, by...

Is Hollywood Trapping Women Directors In The Franchise Machine?

Or are Chloé Zhao, Emerald Fennell, and others just getting their due like their young male counterparts? Hm. "Marvel, DC and co have awoken to the viability of female-led stories, which has meant a demand for women to direct them. Patty “Wonder Woman” Jenkins was an early example, but there are others. Cate Shortland, purveyor of thoughtful, female-centred stories...

While We Wait For The Oscars, Ranking The Best Picture Nominees From The Past Five Years

With 43 to choose from, which movie will win? And which one can best be described as "self-conscious Scorsese imitation"? - Los Angeles Times

The SAG Awards, As They Happened

Kinda live, except pre-recorded, with a lot on the cutting room floor. In any case: All of the winners! Right here. - Variety

Why The Duke Isn’t Coming Back

Listen up, Bridgerton fans, blame streaming (and the focus switch of each Bridgerton book, from which the series draws). At Netflix and other streamers, "the goal is to draw paying subscribers and there’s little incentive to extend even the most popular shows for more than a few years. In that case, Soltman said, it wouldn’t be surprising to have...

Why Are Digital Ads So Obnoxious While Digital News Sites Keep Failing?

Like the so-called "pivot to video," a lot of the industry was built on a house of cards that one might, with some justification, call lies. Starting new publications seemed so easy on the internet. "From the start, though, there was a problem. The super-low costs of entry and the lack of geographic limitations that were key to the...

This Year’s Oscars Might Be The Most Diverse Ever, Thanks To The Pandemic

The diversity is a silver lining of the awards season's weirdness. "A deeper, post-Covid existential crisis is on the cards. What is the point of awards, after all? Are they about recognising artistic excellence and the importance of culture? Or are they about showbiz glitz and beautiful people? How much impact do they have? And who gets to do...

140 Filmmakers Blast PBS For Over-dependence On Ken Burns And Lack Of Diversity

"The decades-long interdependence of PBS decision-makers, philanthropists, and corporate funders with one white, male filmmaker highlights the racial and cultural inequities perpetuated by this system. The amount of broadcast hours, financial support (from viewers like who?), and marketing muscle devoted to one man’s lens on America has severed PBS from its very roots," said Grace Lee. - The Hill

Maybe Public Radio Stations Should Cut Two-Thirds Of Their Weekend Programming

Eric Nuzum: "The average number of unduplicated shows aired over Saturdays and Sundays is 25. Do all those programs help build audience? Station listeners — including even core listeners who love your station and are its heaviest users — usually listen for a total of one or two hours every weekend. By scheduling so many programs, most stations are...

Podcasts By Retired Sports Stars Are Becoming Big Business

"If athlete-driven podcasts were once shoestring affairs, they've now been absorbed into the sports-media economy. Last year, The Ringer was acquired by Spotify for around two hundred million dollars." And the athlete-hosts don't talk only about the game; they sometimes have on as guests rock musicians, movie stars, entertainment execs, and politicians. - The New Yorker

A Hollywood Boycott Of Georgia? Studios Aren’t Saying A Word

Several prominent individuals in the industry have spoken out against the restrictive election laws just passed by the Georgia legislature and signed by Gov. Kemp. Yet studios and other companies — who have been willing to threaten boycotts in the past over such issues as Georgia's abortion laws — are keeping silent so far this time. What are their...

Movie-Viewing Habits Have Changed. Will Audiences Return To Theatres?

“Cinema-going will inevitably initially be at much lower levels, the question is what level will they return to,” says Richard Broughton, research director at Ampere Analysis. “There have been changes in consumer habits, with the boom in streaming, and theatre owners aren’t in the same position to put their foot down with studios over exclusivity.” - The Guardian

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