ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


A Time Of Reckoning For Media In A New Trump Era?

There are blaring red warnings signs for traditional media everywhere you look. Ratings for the broadcast and cable news channels saw steep declines in ratings from Nielsen (finals showed an average of 42.3 million people, down from nearly 57 million four years ago), with the lowest ratings in decades. - The Hollywood Reporter

Meet The Maestros Of Evil Doll Movies

In a Welsh seaside town, Geoff and Lawrence Fowler are turning out a series of surprisingly good low-budget features (e.g., Jack in the Box) about dolls, puppets or robots possessed by evil. Says one aficionado, "Their films look good, they are well-designed and well-plotted with good jump scares." - The Hollywood Reporter

Film Festival In Istanbul Cancelled After Daniel Craig Film “Queer” Is Banned

"Streaming platform Mubi has cancelled its long-planned Mubi Fest Istanbul at the eleventh hour after (the local district) governor banned a screening of Luca Guadagnino’s LGBTI+ themed movie Queer, which was to have been the opening film." - Deadline

When Johnny Carson Animated American Late Night

His easygoing exterior belied a deft improvisatory mind that could take the temperature of the room, the guest, and the viewer all at once, course-correcting with breathtaking speed. - The New Yorker

Canada Orders Dissolution Of TikTok’s Operations There

Access to the popular video app won't be blocked for Canadian users, but the Industry Minister said that the order, which is based on evidence and assessments from Canada's intelligence agencies, is meant to address security risks related to ByteDance Ltd.’s establishment of TikTok Technology Canada Inc. - AP

How AI De-Aged Tom Hanks In His New Movie

The de-aging technology comes from Metaphysic, a visual effects company that creates real time face swapping and aging effects. During filming, the crew watched two monitors simultaneously: one showing the actors' actual appearances and another displaying them at whatever age the scene required. - Wired

Popularity Of True-Crime Podcasts And Series Can Have Real-Life Consequences, Good And Bad

"The proliferation of true-crime entertainment like Netflix’s docudrama Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story is effecting real-life changes for their subjects and in society. At their best, (they) help expose injustices and right wrongs. But because many of these products prioritize entertainment and profit, they also can have negative consequences." - AP

Election Movies Released During Presidential Election Years — Do They Make Any Difference?

"Some film-makers are explicit in their intention to affect election outcomes. ... Others come from the opposite direction, reckoning that an election year is the perfect time to draw attention. ... The Guardian chose films from each election year of the 21st century and interviewed the people who made them." - The Guardian

On Being A Woman Of A Certain Age In The Marvel, And Hollywood, Universe

Kathryn Hahn on Agatha All Along: “It does feel like a really radical thing that we've been able to pull off. Though, because my currency in this business wasn't my sex appeal, I feel like I've been able to just kind of walk into more complicated parts.” - NPR

What’s Up With Celebs Glamorizing Smoking?

If you remember the 2005 movie Thank You for Smoking, you’d be forgiven for anticipating this is a Big Tobacco thing. “Nine out of the 10 films nominated for the Oscars top prize earlier this year featured smoking, which is up from the seven in the year before.” - BBC

Video Gamers Have Become Ukraine’s Deadliest Drone Pilots

The movie image of elite soldiers as macho hulks has fueled concerns that today’s flabby and screen-addicted youths couldn’t cut it in a real fight. But piloting drones demands quick thinking, sharp eyes and nimble thumbs, the kind of prowess more readily associated with computer games than military combat. - The Wall Street Journal

London Film Festival Reports Largest Audience In Ten Years

Figures published by the BFI said attendance across both free and paid-for in-person screenings and events at London venues increased by 92%, with 49% of tickets being booked by first-time LFF attendees. - Deadline

The Psychosocial Dread That Underpins Japanese Horror Films

For instance, after the emperor died and the tech bubble popped in Japan, “filmmakers leaned into the anxieties of late-twentieth-century life–including, prominently and presciently, the ghostliness of digital technology.” - Criterion

Who Owns Wheel Of Fortune?

We don’t mean that in a mystical sense, but in the sense that Sony and CBS are in the midst of a legal fight over the popular game show and its (perhaps even more popular) sibling, Jeopardy!. - Los Angeles Times

Where, Oh Where, Is Clint Eastwood’s Latest, And Probably Last, Movie?

"Eastwood fans in the UK will have no problem seeing Juror #2, where it’s enjoying a wide release in more than 300 cinemas nationwide. Across the whole of the US, however, it’s screening in fewer than 50 cinemas” with no plans for a wider rollout or awards campaign. - The Guardian (UK)

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