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“Dirty Harry” At 50: Portrait Of A Seminal ’70s Antihero

"Partisans on either side looking for affirmation of their stance will be disappointed. … Neither condemning nor condoning his actions, the film offers what may be the clearest image of the archetypal cop's self-perception as the only one willing to do the dirty jobs holding America together." - The Guardian

British Film Classification Board Rethinks Some Of Its Previous Ratings

Recent rereleases of films such as Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring and Jaws have led the board to reconsider those titles in the light of what they vaguely call “changing attitudes”. - The Guardian

Nielsen Confesses It’s Been Undercounting TV Audiences For A While Now

"The media-measurement giant informed TV networks and other clients Wednesday that it has, since September of 2020, undercounted so-called 'out-of-home' audiences — the people watching programs in offices, bars, hotels and other places — for national TV programming." - Variety

Omicron Is Keeping Older Viewers From Going Out To The Movies

A YouGov poll of 1,000 Americans found that roughly 56% of 18-to-44-year-olds weren't deterred by the new, rapidly spreading coronavirus variant, with only between 20% and 27% actively deterred. That latter figure among those aged 45 to 64 is 39%, with another 37% neutral. - The Hollywood Reporter

As Hollywood Withdraws From China

2022 will be a chapter marked not only by bilateral friction between the two superpowers, but by the Chinese film industry’s decoupling from the broader global film industry as a whole, as the country turns inward under President Xi Jinping. - Variety

Hollywood Has Been Hooked On China’s Money. That May Be Over

The reversal of fortunes in China has begun to accelerate in the past year. In 2021, just 25 U.S. movies were released theatrically in the country, many of which were minor indie titles instead of studio tentpoles. By contrast, some 45 Hollywood movies were shown on Chinese screens in 2019. - The Hollywood Reporter

The Ways “The Matrix” Has Bled Into Real Life

Those ways aren't pretty: incels glommed onto the "red pill" idea; "free your mind" has been adopted by far-right populists; "post-truth" is now regularly applied to today's media environment; deepfake videos resemble the way Morpheus's group hacked the matrix. - BBC

What Bob Iger Achieved In 15 Years As Disney’s CEO

He achieved quite a lot — far more than he, or skeptical observers, expected: rejuvenating the animation studios; acquiring Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm and 21st Century Fox; opening major theme parks in China; pioneering in direct-to-consumer distribution; increasing Disney's stock value by 400%. - Variety

Biden Nominates Net Neutrality Champions To FCC

Biden is blazing a path that will make it harder for large internet service providers to exert their market control. The point of net neutrality is to force ISPs like AT&T, Verizon and Comcast to treat internet traffic equally. - CNBC

New AI Software That Could Make Editing Podcasts As Easy As Editing Text

Shasta can record a conversation, automatically transcribe its contents in the cloud, and then make that audio every bit as easy to edit as a document. That means Shasta is a quietly revolutionary piece of software in the world of editing. - Engadget

Maybe The Problem With Spielberg’s “West Side Story” Is That Movie Audiences Are Tired Of Remakes

Not sequels: people obviously love new installments in a franchise. The difference seems to be that fans want the characters they already know in new situations, not new actors as the characters they know. (Exception: when the previous version didn't work, as with Dune.) - The Guardian

Lorne Michaels Sets A Timetable For Retiring From “Saturday Night Live”

"You know, I think I'm committed to doing this show until its 50th anniversary, which is in three years," said Michaels, who'll be 80 that fall. "I'd like to see that through, and I have a feeling that'd be a really good time to leave." - The Hollywood Reporter

How Looney Tunes Got A Foothold In American Culture

Why did several generations watch old Looney Tunes alongside new work and actually prefer the stuff made before they were born? It was partly a historical accident caused by television’s demand for endless material at a relatively high cost. - The Walrus

A Change That Means Much More Than Hope

The 88-year-old Abenaki filmmaker Alanis Obomsawin says Canada's commitment to making First Nations stories has grown tremendously. From where she began to now, she says, "to see our people being treated ... like human beings. It's such a big change." - CBC

If You Need A Warped, Tortured, Or Villainous Movie Character, Call Britain

They have the actors to suit any Hollywood twistedness or despair. And, let's face it, "There is clearly a very strong appetite for bleak nuance in current American entertainment." - The Observer (UK)

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