ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Warner (Seeing Easy Money) Introduces “NFTs For The Masses”

Nifty’s, which launches on Monday, is all about making NFTs more accessible to the average person who may not want to spend money (let alone millions) on a digital file that’s stored on a blockchain network. - Fast Company

TV Has Done A Bad Job At Portraying Poverty

We need productions that embrace social realism without condescension, interrogate class insightfully, and present characters that are not caricatures. - The Walrus

Buying Culture? Unopened Super Mario Brothers Game From 1986 Sells For $1,56 Million

The auction house was shocked to see a game sell for more than a $1 million two days after the Zelda game broke its past record. - NBC

Who, And What, Will Be Nominated For An Emmy?

Let the predictions - and snub predictions: Small Axe and WandaVision, perhaps? - begin. - Los Angeles Times

An Oral History Of The Weird Movie That Became A Feminist Classic

That's right: Legally Blonde. - The New York Times

The UK Suddenly Has A Lack Of Filming Space

Disney and Netflix need the UK, but they're not alone, according to a new report that says it's time to build more studios and soundstages. - The Guardian (UK)

Why Netflix Movies Look So Weird

It's technical: The company "requires narrative feature films made for Netflix be shot on cameras with a 'true 4K UHD sensor.'" - Fast Company

Will Indie Films Survive The Pandemic?

Independent film producers don't have studios' deep pockets - and "a loss of insurance coverage and a surge in production costs have created a heavy burden." - Los Angeles Times

Cannes Away From Cannes Is Safer, And No COVID Tests

But a critic sees a lot fewer movies that way. - Los Angeles Times

How They’re Planning To Televise The Tokyo Olympics Without Fans

Those plans include an “online cheer map” and a “fan video wall” that will be made available to TV rightsholders, and which will also be accessible via the Olympics website. - The Hollywood Reporter

Study: Public Broadcasting Has To Do Better Programming for Teens

“Overall, our interviews suggest that there is a significant gap in youth understanding of the value of public media as something distinct from commercial media.” - Current

Claim: Streaming Is A Dark Hole That Is Killing Indie Films

Independent filmmakers “need the real curators, the festivals, academies, critics. We need producers who will fight for a voice that is unique, rare, ambitious and challenging.” - The Hollywood Reporter

Why The American Sitcom Has Endured for So Long

“If you look at what people watch on streaming platforms, it’s all sitcoms. What’re the most valuable properties out there? - The Guardian

Why Amazon Really Bought MGM

As Jeff Bezos bluntly put it in 2016, "When we win a Golden Globe, it helps us sell more shoes." But isn't Amazon's own studio enough? No, it is not. - Wired

Is Disagreement A Social Media Design Problem?

Social media developers can take steps to foster constructive disagreements online through design. But our findings suggest that they also will need to consider how their interventions might backfire. - The Conversation

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