ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


A New Resource We Didn’t Realize We Needed: The Black Film Archive

Maya Cade, by day the audience development strategist at The Criterion Collection, built up a full register, with synopses and links, of about 250 Black films dating from 1915 to 1979 that are available to stream — a body of work that's often forgotten today. - Vulture

Now Amazon’s Even Moving Into Live Audio

"The effort, led by Amazon's Music division, includes paying podcast networks, musicians and celebrities to use the feature for live conversations, shows and events. … The feature is being built to focus on live music, but the tech giant is also eyeing talk radio programs and podcasts." - Axios

Nielsen’s Accreditation For National TV Ratings Suspended

"The suspension is the latest salvo in a months-long joust between TV networks and the company that has long tabulated (their) viewership, … (as the) industry (seeks) a new yardstick as its audiences light out for new digital territory." - Variety

Without Warning, Board Of Documentary Festival Locks Out Entire Programming Staff

Days after Sheffield DocFest artistic director Cintia Gil departed over "artistic differences," seven festival programmers found themselves locked out of their email accounts and scrubbed from the website. - Variety

Facebook Admits: Engagement Might Not Be The Gold Standard

Optimizing for engagement is at the heart of many of the criticisms of social platforms. An algorithm that’s too focused on engagement might push users toward content that might be super engaging but of low social value. - Wired

Paramount Is Suing Insurance Company Over COVID Shutdowns On New “Mission Impossible”

The film was shut down seven times as a result of the pandemic and now Paramount Studios, the movie’s distributor and producer, is suing its insurance company to recover the sizable losses. - Los Angeles Times

‘Jeopardy!’ Wasn’t The First Game Show Where Mike Richards Was A Problematic Boss

As executive producer of The Price Is Right (2008-2019), Richards was "a manager who was more interested in being a host, who ushered out veteran on-set leaders, was the subject of HR complaints, and presided over budget cuts and loss of benefits to staffers." - The Hollywood Reporter

‘Jeopardy!’ Fiasco Ends As Executive Producer Who Hired Himself As Host Is Fired

Mike Richards lasted a day as permanent host before revelations of past behavior and social media protests led him to resign. As more details of his work history and the rigged process to replace the late Alex Trebek became public, the studio cut him loose. - The Hollywood Reporter

What Will Happen Now To Afghanistan’s Biggest Broadcaster?

"'I'm still surprised we are up and running,' said Saad Mohseni, Tolo's co-owner. … Whether its menu of pop music and female television hosts will survive in the new Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan will be a barometer of the insurgents' tolerance for dissenting views." - The New York Times

Disney Doesn’t Want Frank Oz To Make Muppets Anymore

“They don’t want me because I won’t follow orders and I won’t do the kind of Muppets they believe in,” he continued. Just how does Oz describe the new version of the Muppets? “The soul’s not there,” he said. - Deadline

Prices For Vintage Video Games Are Getting Insane

Just over the past year, the record price for a copy of a game has risen by a factor of almost 20, from $114,000 to $2 million, with the most in-demand items being versions (preferably sealed) of the Super Mario Bros. franchise. - Artnet

China Restricts Kids’ Video Game-Playing

Gamers aged below 18 will be limited to one hour of online game play, between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Friday, Saturday and Sunday in normal weeks. They will also be allowed to play on statutory public holidays. - Variety

Rite Of Passage: Now There Are Academic Citations For TikTok

The iconic MLA Handbook has added an entry for TikTok, so Noam Chomsky 2.0s, who need to cite videos from the social media powerhouse, can now do it properly. - Fast Company

Nobody Makes Superheroes Like Australia

DC and Marvel got you bored? Hunt down Captain Invincible, Griff the Invisible, or, even better, the TV series Cleverman, told from an Indigenous Australian perspective. - The Guardian (UK)

Here Are The Fall’s Award-Bait Films

In theory, four fall film festivals are about to take place, with masked, vaccinated, and tested participants. "Yes, the last Oscars were just four months ago. But there’s no shortage of intriguing awards season hopefuls premiering at these festivals." - Los Angeles Times

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