ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Netflix Is About To Milk The Hell Out Of Roald Dahl’s Stories

"Netflix has acquired the Roald Dahl Story Company (RDSC) and will expand their existing deal to … create a universe across animated and live action films and TV, publishing, games, immersive experiences, live theater, consumer products and more." - Variety

Why Podcasts Are So Popular (As A Medium)

 New research finds that of all media, podcast content generates the greatest degree of consumer concentration. - Inside Radio

More Governments Are Censoring Online Content

Governments are limiting or banning applications, content and connectivity itself — and Big Tech companies, rich and powerful as they are, can't or won't fight back. - Axios

The News Shared On Facebook Gets Smaller And Smaller

The percent that are about news — defined broadly, including sports and entertainment — is now somewhere less than 4%. It’s something of a niche interest for Facebook users. - NiemanLab

Looping — Perhaps Hollywood’s Most Surprising, And Most Secretive, Profession

Loopers are the equivalent of extras: they're voice actors who provide realistic background chatter for just about any setting or subject. And no, you can't become one: says one insider, "No one gives up their spots. You have to kill someone to get in." - The Hollywood Reporter

Fourteen Takeaways From This Year’s Emmys

The good, the bad, and the really long and bizarre. - Washington Post

How A Spoofy Sports Commercial Became An Emmy-Winning TV Series

Truly, what is the show Ted Lasso? - Washington Post

A Chess Grandmaster Sues Netflix Show The Queen’s Gambit For Sexism

Georgian grandmaster Nona Gaprindashvili isn't best pleased with an offhand remark in the Netflix series. (And it's possible the show's executive director didn't help the cause with his speech at the Emmys.) - Los Angeles Times

After Many Years And Many Millions Of Dollars, Netflix Wins The Emmys

Thanks, The Crown. - The New York Times

The Forgotten History Of Black Cinema, Revived Through Streaming

Maya Cade created the Black Film Archive with hard work over years. The archive "brings the forgotten works of legends like Oscar Micheaux and Zora Neale Hurston to one place, sorted by decade, with links to where they’re streaming and descriptions of the films." - Los Angeles Times

The Emmys Updated List Of Winners

Early wins for Ted Lasso and Mare of Easttown may predict the whole evening, or may not. All of the winners, updating live. - The Hollywood Reporter

This Year’s Emmys Favor Mass Appeal

It's OK not to be artsy. (Wait, is it OK for award-winning TV to be popular and not artsy?) - Washington Post

In Film, People With Autism Are Often Depicted As Brilliant Or Exceptional

Think, of course, of Rain Man. Austistic folks say they would make some different choices. - The Guardian (UK)

Who Should Win The Emmys Tonight?

And who will win? - Los Angeles Times

A New Movie Revives A Surprisingly Old Genre: Black Westerns

Just as there really were African-Americans in the Old West, Westerns with Black casts (first shown to segregated audiences) were made from the 1930s through the Blaxploitation '70s and beyond. The latest example, The Harder They Fall, is fiction but depicts real historical figures. - The New York Times

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