ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


The Global Phenomenon That Is Seattle’s Indie Music Radio Station KEXP

These days, KEXP has roughly 180,000 weekly listeners on the airwaves, 100,000 listeners online, and a YouTube channel with 2.69 million subscribers and nearly 1.4 billion views — 75% of them outside the United States. Its biggest international audience is in Mexico. - Seattle Times

Britain Could Have Ruined Its Remake Of The French Show Call My Agent

That it didn't, while also not making a direct copy, is due to writers who did the right thing - they asked agents what their lives were truly like. - The Atlantic

Bill Murray Doesn’t Apologize For Misconduct On Set

He called it "a difference of opinion" and said production of Being Mortal, the "movie in which he was set to star was suspended because an attempt at humor had been taken amiss by a female co-star." - The New York Times

Don’t Stress, Art Houses; This Movie’s Success Proves You Can Survive

Well into its run, the indie Everything Everywhere All at Once keeps gaining audience - and its platform rollout, something impossible during the height of COVID, "are a positive indication that adult audiences will return to the big screen for the right movie." - Variety

The Black Lesbian Playing The Queen Of England

"It’s a scenario that’s perfect for the gossip-fueled Bridgerton: Golda Rosheuvel, who plays Queen Charlotte on the Netflix series, was once told to keep her sexuality a secret. By a director who was also a lesbian." - Los Angeles Times

Some Movie Sequels Feature Fantastic Characters

Some of them - Harley Quinn, my goodness - even get their own movies. But let's consider possibly the best sequel character ever: Yoda. - Vulture

Grace And Frankie’s Reign Of Terror Is Coming To An End

Happy International Workers Day to Grace and Frankie's service workers! "At restaurants, at the DMV, at big-box hardware stores, and inside delivery trucks, the end of Grace and Frankie surely means that service workers of La Jolla are breathing a sigh of relief." - Slate

TV Writers Enter The Metaverse

"A true metaverse — one accessible by a single gateway, in which life persists even in a user's absence — doesn't yet exist. But its depiction on screen is becoming more frequent and all-encompassing." - CBC

The Fraught Relationship Between Publishers And Social Network Platforms

Despite 20 years of often difficult relations, a clear recognition of the “frenemy” dynamic at play, and the reality of intensifying competition for attention, advertising, and consumers’ cash, many publishers still actively seek to collaborate with platform companies. - NiemanLab

Films From Africa Are Better And More Plentiful Than Ever.  When Will North American Audiences Start Catching On?

Better and less expensive equipment, the growing festival circuit, and, most of all, the rise of streaming video have made it easier for Africans to get films made and for viewers overseas to see them. (Not to mention that Nigeria now has one of the world's largest film industries.) - CNN

What Exactly Is TikTok (And How Does It Work?)

What’s surprising is that content fueling viewership only comes from a small subset of TikTok’s user base—a statistic similar to YouTube. Only 33.9 percent of TikTok users publish content to the platform, compared to 69.9 percent of Instagram users who publish their own photos and videos. - Fast Company

Can An Old Industrial City In England’s Northeast Produce A Rival To The Edinburgh Fringe?

Culture officials in Newcastle envision an event with "the same spirit, vibe and inclusivity as the Edinburgh Fringe" but including art shows, concerts, and dance as well as theatre.  They're planning a pilot for August 2023, with a full-fledged festival in the summer of 2024. - The Chronicle (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK)

How To Make A More Creative, Profitable Netflix

When the financial incentives of the people paying for the movies and TV shows are aligned with those of the creators, the overall system is much more cost-effective — and often the movies and TV shows are better. - The New York Times

What Netflix’s Fail Says About Streaming

While Netflix’s competitors still have room to grow — and Disney in particular has committed to growing a lot — agents and creators believe they are seeing the end of the spending spree that has lined many pockets in recent years. - The Hollywood Reporter

BBC To Sharply Reduce The Amount Of Programming It Produces

"Director General Tim Davie is preparing to announce deep cuts to BBC output in the coming week. ... The corporation estimates it needs to find another £285m ($356m) in annual savings as a result of government-imposed cuts to its budget." - The Guardian

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