ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


“I Have Been Canceled”: Frank Langella Writes An Angry Rebuttal To Allegations Of Sexual Misconduct On Set

In a guest column, the 84-year-old actor gives his account of the on-camera move that led to his firing from the lead role in the Netflix series The Fall of the House of Usher. - Deadline

Netflix’s Swoon Fuels Hollywood Anxiety

One pervasive concern: that the streaming-fueled content bubble has finally burst, with more consolidation on the way. - Variety

How Abortion Has Been Handled In US Movies And TV

"Culture is not linear cause and effect, ... (but) film and television portrayals of abortion ... do offer an imperfect mirror to a culture in flux – one that, contrary to the courts and state legislatures, has generally made slow progress toward depicting the reality of abortion." - The Guardian

For The First Time, TikTok Will Share Ad Revenue With Top Video Creators

"The company said that with the launch of (advertising program) TikTok Pulse, it will 'begin exploring' its first advertising-revenue share program with creators, public figures and media publishers." - Variety

Facebook Drops Podcasts

Meta Platforms is confirming it will stop offering podcast integration and close down its overall audio hub in the coming weeks. “We’re constantly evaluating the features we offer so we can focus on the most meaningful experiences." The report says June 3 is the targeted date. - Inside Radio

The News Envelope That Defines Your Information Bubble

Within that media ecosystem, narratives around liberal bias, anti-expertise narratives, and the idea that if something was coming out of an institution, you couldn’t trust it — that has been bread and butter within certain media networks for many people’s entire lives. - NiemanLab

Vice Media Wants To Sell Itself Off — In Pieces, If Necessary

"Several buyers have expressed preliminary interest in acquiring Vice outright, ... (though) it also is exploring options to sell the company in parts."  Just five years ago, Vice Media was valued at $5.7 billion; its failed IPO last year was valued at $3 billion, a price it wouldn't get now. - CNBC

How James Corden Turned His Show Into A Social Media Phenomenon And Changed Late Night

"What James Corden has done incredibly well is to leverage this TV content, and amplify it with social media to create fame." - BBC

Immersive Van Gogh Shows Are Old Hat. The New Hotness Is Immersive “Bridgerton” Experiences

"The Queen's Ball: A 'Bridgerton' Experience" is one of several costume parties quasi-theatrical pop-up events based on famous media franchises (Star Wars and Game of Thrones, for instance) to materialize recently in downtown spaces left vacant in the wake of COVID. Kriston Capps pays a visit. - Bloomberg CityLab

Something New In Hollywood: The 50-Something Female Lead

It’s been a slow burn, but Hollywood is finally recognizing a trend corporate America long ago seized upon: The spending power of the 50-something woman. This is the largest demographic, according to a 2018 Forbes report, earning annual salaries of over $100,000. - New York Post

Netflix’s Stumbles And Layoffs Have Employees Nervous And Angry

"Bleak subscriber numbers and the company's response have stirred a mix of angst and uncertainty among many rank-and-file workers. Some are worried that the streaming heavyweight may have hired too fast and grown complacent as subscriber growth skyrocketed in the early days of the pandemic." - Yahoo! (Los Angeles Times)

Netflix Employees Worry Company Is Unraveling

The company’s response have stirred a mix of angst and uncertainty among many rank-and-file workers. Some are worried that the streaming heavyweight may have hired too fast and grown complacent as subscriber growth skyrocketed in the early days of the pandemic. - Los Angeles Times

The Global Phenomenon That Is Seattle’s Indie Music Radio Station KEXP

These days, KEXP has roughly 180,000 weekly listeners on the airwaves, 100,000 listeners online, and a YouTube channel with 2.69 million subscribers and nearly 1.4 billion views — 75% of them outside the United States. Its biggest international audience is in Mexico. - Seattle Times

Britain Could Have Ruined Its Remake Of The French Show Call My Agent

That it didn't, while also not making a direct copy, is due to writers who did the right thing - they asked agents what their lives were truly like. - The Atlantic

Bill Murray Doesn’t Apologize For Misconduct On Set

He called it "a difference of opinion" and said production of Being Mortal, the "movie in which he was set to star was suspended because an attempt at humor had been taken amiss by a female co-star." - The New York Times

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