ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


The Recovery Of The Mouse

In case you were worried, Disney's doing much better now, which is possibly a good sign for the economy. - Los Angeles Times

London’s Southbank Centre Names New Artistic Director

Mark Ball, currently Creative Director of the Manchester International Festival, will be directing the programming at the British capital's equivalent of Lincoln Center and the Kennedy Center. - Arts Professional (UK)

Lonnie Bunch Introduces Smithsonian’s New Initiative On Racial Reckoning

"Beginning with a national summit on August 26, a series of integrated events — from conferences to town halls to immersive pop-up experiences — are designed to spark conversations nationally, regionally, locally, and among friends and family." - Smithsonian Magazine

A Smaller Edinburgh Fringe Festival — Is It Better?

For some in a city with a population of only around 500,000, a break from the Fringe last year, followed by a much smaller festival this year — one that doesn’t clog up roads and sidewalks, or cause short-term rents to skyrocket — has been welcomed. - The New York Times

Is Cancel Culture Stifling Comedy? In A Word, No.

"If the 'wokeism is killing comedy' crew are motivated by a genuine devotion to great comedy, then they can relax, because it is in rude health when it comes to risk-taking, boundary-pushing content." - The Guardian

Provincetown And Its Performers Step Nervously Back Into Action

The arts-dependent Cape Cod town got clobbered by last year's lockdowns, but with vaccination rates up and caseloads down this summer, the scene joyfully geared up — until it was hit with a cluster of "breakthrough" COVID cases among people who'd had their shots. - The New York Times

Why I’m Investing In Creative Youth

"While the pandemic magnified the already apparent need for young people to develop artistic and employable media arts skills, calls for racial justice showed the imperative for adults to provide movement-building support and guidance to young people." - Philanthropy News Digest

What The Little Island Reveals About Manhattan Island

Little Island discombobulates many of the ways in which the body physically adapts itself to the pulse of the city. You are neither busy nor bored. - Washington Post

Get Real! C’Mon — Your Membership Is Expiring!

Same dance, different day, eh, hoss? Just wanted to remind you that your membership is expiring soon. So we’re kind of getting down to the wire here. - The New Yorker

The Problem With Anti-Racist Self-Help Books For White People

Be careful what you wish for. To anyone who has been conscious of race for a lifetime, these books can’t help feeling less brave than curiously backward. - The Atlantic

We Need To Talk About The Ethics Of Digital Resurrection

The latest in questionable use of an artist's likeness or image, and/or voice, after death: "A hologram of Whitney Houston will perform a six-month Las Vegas residency beginning in October 2021." - CBC

Discriminating Against A Pregnant Actor? Pay Up

The producers claim they were concerned it might cost them money in post-production to digitally remove a baby bump. The British court was like, "Do you even know costumes and camera angles?" - BBC

When A Producer Knows What She’s Worth, But Hollywood Doesn’t

Marcia Nasatir's "perseverance, loyalty, impressive track record and eagerness to help younger proteges ('Why not be nice?,' she said of her altruism. 'It doesn’t cost you anything.') paved the way for generations." But that didn't earn her the big bucks or the credit. - Washington Post

How Might We Redesign Higher Education?

Another way to ask this question is to start with how our universities are designed today and ask which elements support or conflict with the research on learning. - Inside Higher Ed

UK Gov’t Announces $1 Billion Insurance Plan To Cover Performance Cancellations Due To COVID

The Live Events Reinsurance Scheme, a partnership with Lloyds, sets aside £750 million to offer cancellation insurance that private companies have been unwilling to provide during the pandemic. The plan will open in September and run for a year. - Variety

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