ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Spain To Give Every 18-Year-Old A €400 Culture Pass

The program, budgeted for 2022, is similar to those established in France (€300) and Italy (€500). A key difference is that the money will be divided so that not all of it can be spent only on theater tickets or books or opera. - The Local (Spain)

Wonder Why Your Favorite International Artists Are Canceling US Trips? Ask The Danish String Quartet

It takes months and months to apply for and get cleared for visas to come to the US. Hundreds of international artists have had to cancel gigs in the US. - Los Angeles Times

What’s The Best Artistic Leadership Model?

There are several, and coming out of the pandemic, it seems appropriate to reassess what works. - Nightingale Sonata

Remembering The Black Artist Collectives Of The 1960s And ’70s

"Musicians and writers, artists and architects, photographers and filmmakers listening, arguing and creating with each other, … drawing inspiration from the collectivizing impulse of the Harlem Renaissance, … these groups explored a range of approaches to fostering culture and community." - T — The New York Times Style Magazine

The Right To Culture: Afghanistan Bans Music

The Taliban’s stance on music forbids people from enjoying and participating in cultural activities, and violates the UN International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. - The Conversation

Half The PPP Loan Money For Culture Went To Only 228 Institutions. They Still Laid Off A Quarter Of Their Workers.

The purpose of the Paycheck Protection Program was to let businesses hobbled by the pandemic retain their employees. An AFSCME study found that, out of 7,500 eligible cultural institutions, 228 large ones got $771 million, half the total — and let go of 28% of their staff. - Hyperallergic

How Today’s Environmental Challenges Will Change The Art World

“These crises are emerging out of environmental challenges and social justice challenges that are very present. Going back to business as usual is going to sound unconvincing.” - The Art Newspaper

Some Early Good News From The WBEZ-Chicago Sun-Times Merger

In a Q&A, two senior executives at Chicago Public Media (WBEZ) say that they no plans to reduce the newspaper's seven-days-per-week print schedule and that, far from imposing layoffs, they expect to hire 40 to 50 new staffers. - Medill Local News Initiative

John Killacky: Arts As A Safe Space For Unsafe Ideas

It is a series of meditations on the social role of art, the sometimes dysfunctional structures of the cultural sector, and the effect that unexpected, horrific loss – and the necessity of moving past it – can have on a person, a community, and the art created in response. - ArtsFuse

Progress: Italy’s Arts Venues Allowed To Open At Full Capacity

"After months of struggling with an income from 50% houses the Council of Ministers has decided that theatres, cinemas, and cultural venues in the white zones (and currently all of Italy is in that category), can augment their capacity to 100%." - Gramilano (Milan)

How COVID Killed Criticism

Pauline Kael would be appalled at the spectacle of film writing nowadays. Journalists meet actors and gasp in awe. The wise editor has given up on demanding hacks ask good questions, and just invites actors to interview other actors. - The Spectator

Justifying Why Princeton Should Exist

This is the puzzle of Princeton: How can an institution designed to serve the aspirations of an elite few authentically wrestle with issues of inequality and racism in society? - The Atlantic

When Facebook Went Down Last Week, News Searches And Traffic Went Way Up

Sure, some of that was people searching for news about Facebook's outage. However: "For a whopping five-hours-plus, people read news, according to data Chartbeat gave us this week from its thousands of publisher clients across 60 countries." - Nieman Lab

Stop Calling It Misinformation

It's weaponized propaganda - and happily spread by armies of humans, as well as bots, online. - The Atlantic

Do We Need A New Bill Of Rights For An Artificial Intelligence-Driven World?

Absolutely, we do. "Some of the failings of AI may be unintentional, but they are serious and they disproportionately affect already marginalized individuals and communities." - Wired

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