Washington University in St. Louis saw a 65 percent return. Duke, 56 percent. MIT, 55.5 percent (after completing a $6 billion capital campaign). Brown, 51.5 percent. Dartmouth, 46.5 percent. Yale, 40.2 percent. - Inside Higher Ed
The social media giant "has algorithmically surfaced false information about conspiracy theories and vaccines, and was instrumental in the ability of an extremist mob to attempt a violent coup." But "the Facebook we have in the United States is actually the platform at its best." - The Atlantic
"People love to say, ‘George Carlin couldn’t do his act today! What would he say about all this?’ ... I know exactly what he’d say. He’d say something hilarious and cutting. ... There is no cancel culture. It only exists if you’re a whistleblower or a victim.” - The Guardian (UK)
"Hundreds of hours of Channel 4 programming have been affected by the outage, which began when fire suppression devices destroyed hard disks at a west London broadcast centre on 25 September." But some are back - only some, for instance on Great British Bake-Off. - BBC
The experts weigh in - and it's not going to go well for someone. "This doesn’t happen without negligence. There are safety protocols that are supposed to be followed. It’s really just a matter of who’s negligent and how the responsibility gets parceled out." - Los Angeles Times
Two accidental discharges on Oct. 16 led to multiple crew members walking off the set. A veteran professional armorer said "that the chain of events described in the affidavit struck him as a 'red flag.'" - The New York Times
And the results for arts education are, according to Philip Kennicott, correctly focused. "It feels a bit like a small city in Scandinavia, modest and hodgepodge, a collection of functional, appealing but never ostentatious buildings." - Washington Post
As some arts organizations retool and expand their hiring, they’re finding that the upheavals of 2020 — the dislocation of the pandemic and a renewed interest in racial and social justice — have created a different pool of job applicants. - San Francisco Chronicle
Unboxed: Creativity in the UK – formerly known as Festival 2022 and derided by some as a “festival of Brexit” – draws on arts, science, engineering, technology and maths in a government-backed £120m celebration of ingenuity. - The Guardian
Says the chief caretaker of St. Mark's, which sits at the city's lowest point, "I can only say that in August, a month when this never used to happen, we had tides over a meter five times. I am talking about the month of August, when we are quiet." - AP
Artists from Richard Pryor to Moms Mabley to Ma Rainey "took big risks to affirm LGBTQ people and be honest about their own sexuality. … Chappelle is doing something they never did — making a career of going after a group even more reviled than Black people." - CNN
"Africa saw an increase in offenses related to digs, up from 44 incidents in 2019 to 153 in 2020. The starkest increase occurred in Asia and the South Pacific, from 42 to 1,563. In total, more than 35,000 items were reported stolen across the world." - ARTnews
Think about it: Parasite and Squid Game are pretty weird: intense drama, occasional shocking violence and dark satire jumbled with juvenile humor and an almost childish innocence. What does this strange mishmash come from? The difficult, disorienting past hundred years South Korea has lived through. - The American Scholar
"Never heard of cycloramas? Understandable, since they have all but vanished from memory. There are still a few around, though, reminders that, in their time, cycloramas were entertainment as popular as movies would become, if for some they offered experiences as disconcerting as bad dreams." - MSN (Chicago Tribune)
The CGS survey found that graduate applications increased by 7.3 percent and first-time graduate enrollment increased by 1.8 percent in fall 2020 compared to the year before. - InsideHigherEd