ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Venice Tries The Tulsa Tactic: Luring Remote Tech Workers To Live There

The project, called Venywhere, aims "to convince people who can do their jobs from anywhere to do so in Venice — and its founders believe that the lagoon city, studded with crumbling palazzi and half-used spaces, is the perfect laboratory to experiment with new ways of working." - Bloomberg CityLab

The UK Government’s Plan To Use Culture To Revive The North Of England

Both Tory ministers and ther Labour counterparts in opposition agree on "a ten-point action plan includ(ing) devolving funding decisions to a regional level from London; encouraging more strategic partnerships and less competition between different areas; and greater investment in next-generation creative talents." - The Guardian

A Century Later, Russia Opens Czar Nicholas’s Restored Palace

In 2011, the Russian state decided to recreate the czar’s private suite — which had been furnished in the Art Nouveau style and was mostly destroyed during World War II and subsequent Soviet reconstructions — and create a museum around it. - The New York Times

Special Grants Let Bay Area BIPOC Arts Groups Get One Of The Most Important Things An Organization Can Have

And that is? Their own real estate. A $3 million Performing Arts Acquisition Fund from the Hewlett Foundation has enabled five community-based groups buy the spaces in which they do their work. - San Francisco Chronicle

Why Isn’t Spotify Doing More To End COVID Misinformation Spread?

Especially with one of its more famous podcasters, Joe Rogan. Now "a coalition of hundreds of doctors and public health experts have called out Spotify for allowing Joe Rogan to spread 'false and societally harmful assertions'" - but will anything change? - Washington Post

Greek Authorities Search For Activists Who Shot A Sex Scene On The Acropolis

"An anonymous activist group filmed a brief sex scene at Greece’s most visited historical site, the Acropolis, as a political statement on LGBTQIA+ rights—and the government is vowing to track them down ... for 'offending' the monument." - Vice

Rethinking The Entire Subscription Model In The Wake Of The Pandemic

After having performances cancelled over and over (and if they're not, performers and programming changing last-minute) — especially in Australia, which has had some of the world's strictest lockdowns — some groups are trying options beyond the rigid pre-packaged subscription. Here's a look at some experiments. - Arts Hub (Australia)

Winter Wassailing Is Having A Comeback

Traditionally, wassailing wasn't just a matter of going house to house at Christmastime, singing and extorting drinks. Crop-blessing wassails in England involved special clothes, marching to an apple orchard by torchlight, yelling to chase away evil spirits, and (yes) singing and drinking. And it's undergoing a revival. - The Guardian

Workers At The Art Institute Of Chicago Unionize

The Art Institute union will be the first group of its kind at a major museum in Chicago. It comes amid a larger push by workers in institutions across the U.S. Earlier this week, workers at the Jewish Museum in New York announced a push to unionize. - ARTnews

United States Artists Chooses Its Next President

Judilee Reed is currently the program director of creative communities for the William Penn Foundation, where she leads the organization’s arts and culture and public space grant portfolios in Philadelphia and its surrounding region. - ARTnews

Eighty Factcheck Groups Worldwide Protest YouTube Policies

The letter lists worldwide examples which have the potential to cause real-life harm, which went under the radar of YouTube's content policies. It says these are "insufficient" and not working. - BBC

Do We Really Need Art To Be Relevant? Should It Be? Maybe Not.

"By making the mistake, no matter how well-intentioned, of chaining works of art to politics or demanding that they address issues of social justice, we have 'failed to account for their free-standing value.'" - The New York Times

A History Of Tackiness

Tackiness, it would seem, has always been in the eye of the beholder—a disapproving audience, real or imagined, clicking their proverbial tongues. They usually judge from the other side of some perceived divide, whether cultural, socioeconomic, or generational. - BookForum

Slippery Slope? Artists Are Boycotting This Year’s Sydney Festival Over Its Funders

If an arts organisation accepts money from a donor, there is always a price to pay. It’s a question of how high the price is. - The Conversation

Australian Arts Facing Labor Shortages

There is growing evidence of worker shortages for live shows. It’s clear there is a gap left by workers who left the arts during 2020/2021 lockdowns, resulting in a reduced pool of staff to call on when someone falls ill. - ArtsHub

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