ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Discriminating Against A Pregnant Actor? Pay Up

The producers claim they were concerned it might cost them money in post-production to digitally remove a baby bump. The British court was like, "Do you even know costumes and camera angles?" - BBC

When A Producer Knows What She’s Worth, But Hollywood Doesn’t

Marcia Nasatir's "perseverance, loyalty, impressive track record and eagerness to help younger proteges ('Why not be nice?,' she said of her altruism. 'It doesn’t cost you anything.') paved the way for generations." But that didn't earn her the big bucks or the credit. - Washington Post

How Might We Redesign Higher Education?

Another way to ask this question is to start with how our universities are designed today and ask which elements support or conflict with the research on learning. - Inside Higher Ed

UK Gov’t Announces $1 Billion Insurance Plan To Cover Performance Cancellations Due To COVID

The Live Events Reinsurance Scheme, a partnership with Lloyds, sets aside £750 million to offer cancellation insurance that private companies have been unwilling to provide during the pandemic. The plan will open in September and run for a year. - Variety

Texas’s Governor Forbids Mask Mandates. So People Will Go To Shows?

Not really. In an informal KERA and Dallas Morning News survey conducted over the past few days, about 70% of more than 1,200 respondents said they do not feel safe or are unsure if they feel safe attending public arts events. - Dallas Morning News

NYC’s Remarkable New Island Of Creativity

On 2.4 acres of lush lawns and man-made, sculptured hills, Little Island percolates daily with creative energy, fueled by talent recruited everywhere from the theaters of Broadway to the platforms of the subway. - Washington Post

A Creative Redevelopment That Intends To Skip The Usual Mistakes

Birkenhead is barely a mile from Liverpool, situated on the opposite bank of the River Mersey. It was once known as the “New York of Europe” thanks to its shipbuilding, but deindustrialisation and waves of austerity have created significant decline. - The Guardian

Objections To An East London Mega-Entertainment Sphere

What we now face is a massive live entertainment venue, almost as tall as Big Ben, covered with nearly a million garish LEDs, programmed to display videos and adverts. - The Guardian

Beginning August 16th, You’ll Need Vaccination Proof To Attend NYC Shows

“If you want to participate in society fully, you’ve got to get vaccinated. It’s time,” tweeted NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio. - Hyperallergic

London’s Science Museum Signed Non-Disparagement Clause In Sponsorship Agreement With Shell

The "gagging clause" was part of the contract for the oil giant's financial support for this summer's climate change exhibition at the museum, a show titled "Our Future Planet." - Channel 4 News (UK)

Going Deep On The UNESCO-Liverpool Dustup

This podcast goes all-in on the choice between preservation and potential. - The Guardian (UK)

LA Shopping Center Removes Monuments That Commemorate DW Griffith

The elephants at Hollywood & Highland, the ones that commemorate the filmmaker's movie Intolerance, are coming down. - Los Angeles Times

Targeted Ads Are Way Beyond Annoying

They create political division and can promote incredibly dangerous theories. But there are ways to resist. - FastCompany

UK Could Have Even More World Heritage Sites De-Listed, Warns UNESCO Official

Just over a week after Liverpool's waterfront was stripped of World Heritage status, the chief of the relevant UNESCO committee warns that the same could happen to other British monuments — and not only Stonehenge — if the government doesn't do more to prevent "ill-advised development." - The Guardian

Survey Of LA Artists Documents Instability

The results of the survey are a snapshot of the art community’s struggle for financial stability even before COVID-19 shut down galleries and museums across the city. - Los Angeles Magazine

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