Since Russia invaded Ukraine, shocking much of the world, Russians working in creative spheres have found themselves squeezed from within and without. - The New York Times
The Southbank district already has three concert halls, an outdoor music venue, five theatres, three museums (including the National Gallery of Victoria), an arts college, and Australian Broadcasting Corp. studios. The AU$1.7 billion plan includes redesigned grounds and a new contemporary art building for the NGV. - The Age (Melbourne)
Chair Bruce Kovner, a major donor, told Damian Woetzel, the former ballet star who now runs Juilliard, that an internal evaluation found his leadership lacking and he should resign by June 30. Other board members didn't know of this, and Woetzel rallied them to his side. - The New York Times
Across Ukraine, scores of historic buildings, priceless artworks and public squares are being reduced to rubble by Russian rockets, missiles, bombs and gunfire. - The New York Times
“The costs of living, creating and doing business are much lower than in Western Europe." As a result, a creative flowering has begun, with designers, architects and restaurateurs creating new spins on Polish traditions. - The Globe and Mail (Canada)
As recent Netflix and Spotify (and now Disney) employee backlash shows, "Higher-ups are increasingly contending with a socially conscious and internet savvy generation of employees who want their workplaces to reflect their most deeply held beliefs." - Los Angeles Times
A group of LGTBQIA Pixar employees and allies released a statement holding the corporation accountable. "Even as employees have attempted to make inclusion a bigger focus in their work, Disney corporate has 'shaved down to crumbs' what representation they are allowed to put forth." - The Hollywood Reporter
Of course, one might imagine that's the point of those "anti-critical race theory" laws. And "even when teachers decide to use clips, they must be mindful of violent, sexual or profane content." - Washington Post
That list doesn’t make for a snappy headline, but it does demonstrate good sense — a quality that’s been in short supply as people and institutions rush to make gestures in support of Ukraine and in opposition to Vladimir Putin’s war. - Washington Post
Earned revenue plummeted, of course, while government grants and private donations tried to fill the gap. "Were they enough for organizations in the sector to meet their needs to at least break even financially? Let's dive in to explore the unrestricted contributed revenue side of the story." - SMU Data Arts
The city is two-thirds Black, and the choice of a Black candidate at one or more of them — the American Visionary Art Museum and the Baltimore Museum of Art (executive director) and especially the Baltimore Symphony (music director) — could show the Black community that it's welcome. - MSN (The Baltimore Sun)
A lot has already been lost or destroyed. Museums in the homes of folk artists and folk production are found throughout the country. - The Conversation
Living as we are, in a time of social, political, economic, and environmental crisis, I believe we must resist the temptation to view the arts as a subsidiary or accompaniment to our social, political, and economic experiences and concerns. I believe we have to argue for what I call the freestanding value of art. - The Easel
The Getty invested $60 million in the fund, which was titled “structured alpha,” in 2016. Three years later, the investment had grown to $73 million. But in early 2020, when the pandemic hit, the fund suffered devastating losses: The Getty only had $2 million left, or “97 percent of its assets.” - Artnet
"In interviews, leaders of almost a dozen cultural groups across the country emphasized the need for caution and carefulness. But they noted that each of their situations are distinct." - The New York Times