ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Bill Rauch On The Performing Arts Center At The World Trade Center

The PAC will be the final piece of the rebuilding of the World Trade Center, a three-story building — 129,000-square feet with three flexible venues that allow for 11 different possible configurations, ranging from 84 to 1205 seats. - New York Theatre

Time To End Artsploitation

Behind the New Museum’s veneer of social justice was rampant exploitation. Salaries were so low that full-time employees worked extra jobs. An hourly rate in visitor services and the bookstore teetered just above minimum wage. - The Baffler

Could This Facebook Ruling In Australia Eventually Lead To The End Of Comments?

A court ruling "promises to upend what has been a core principle of who gets blamed for bad behavior online — in ways that, if repeated, could have the effect of stifling public speech." - Nieman Lab

Hollywood Has Sold Out To China

And it's not likely to change anytime soon. - The Atlantic

Why This University Professor Resigned

Students are being trained to mimic the moral certainty of ideologues. Faculty and administrators have abdicated the university’s truth-seeking mission and instead drive intolerance of divergent beliefs and opinions. - Bari Weiss

Why The Arts Struggled To Express 9/11

For a long time it was safer to go small. - The New York Times

Xi Jinping’s Crackdown Is Reshaping China’s Culture

Just this year, authorities have gone after social media, high-profile actors, highbrow artists, reality TV, K-pop fans, feature films, video games, and "sissyness". Intelligentsia both within and beyond China, worried about a return to Mao-era totalitarian control, are calling this "the great leap backward." - The Guardian

Police Disassemble Hong Kong’s Tienanmen Massacre Museum

The June 4 Museum, as it's called, had been closed to the public (presumably on Beijing's orders) since June. This morning, police were seen entering the building and carting away display and exhibition materials. - The Guardian

Chinese Communist Party Warns Celebrities About Moral Behavior

At a meeting in Beijing titled "Love the party, love the country, advocate morality and art," officials told entertainment and media figures that they must "consciously abandon vulgar and kitsch inferior tastes, and consciously oppose the decadent ideas of money worship, hedonism, and extreme individualism." - The Guardian

Is Making Wine Making Art?

Although winemakers have vision and bring that vision of what a particular wine should taste like to the blending table, their art depends inevitably on nature and nature’s “creativity.” - 3 Quarks Daily

Behind China’s Crackdown On Popular Culture

At first glance, “common prosperity” and a desire to eliminate “sissy boy” fan culture seem like separate campaigns. But they point to a growing trend in domestic politics and society: the wish to eliminate difference. - The Guardian

COVID May Finally Be Ending The Plague Of Audience Coughing

Fear of COVID, to be more precise. "Even before you realise what you have done, anxious sideways looks will have been exchanged, the seeds of doubt sown. Coughing has become the equivalent of randomly shouting 'fire' in a theatre – a gesture guaranteed to provoke fear." - The Guardian

As Performances Start Up Again, Critics Are Being Too Generous

"Is there perhaps a clandestine pact to encourage audiences back out with some concerted cheerleading? If so, then the critics are doing us a disservice." - The Observer (UK)

Time’s Up Post-Cuomo Shake Up Continues

Board members including Shonda Rhimes, Eva Longoria, and Jurnee Smollett have resigned, making way for an entirely new board as "the group continues to grapple with allegations that it has failed women who asked for its support." - Los Angeles Times

At Last, China’s Notorious “Ghost Cities” Are Getting Some Actual Inhabitants

Early in the 2000s. the People's Republic created a string of new mega-developments — building much faster than people were moving in. Images of wide boulevards and flashy architecture completely devoid of people spread worldwide. Finally, folks are arriving and the cities are showing some life. - Bloomberg Businessweek

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