ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Interpol Says Illegal Excavations Of Cultural Heritage Sites Soared During Pandemic

"Africa saw an increase in offenses related to digs, up from 44 incidents in 2019 to 153 in 2020. The starkest increase occurred in Asia and the South Pacific, from 42 to 1,563. In total, more than 35,000 items were reported stolen across the world." - ARTnews

The Mind-Boggling History That Shapes South Korea’s Popular Cultural Exports

Think about it: Parasite and Squid Game are pretty weird: intense drama, occasional shocking violence and dark satire jumbled with juvenile humor and an almost childish innocence. What does this strange mishmash come from? The difficult, disorienting past hundred years South Korea has lived through. - The American Scholar

The Wildly Popular Immersive Art Experiences Of The Late 1800s

"Never heard of cycloramas? Understandable, since they have all but vanished from memory. There are still a few around, though, reminders that, in their time, cycloramas were entertainment as popular as movies would become, if for some they offered experiences as disconcerting as bad dreams." - MSN (Chicago Tribune)

Surprise: Graduate Enrollment At US Universities Increased In 2020

The CGS survey found that graduate applications increased by 7.3 percent and first-time graduate enrollment increased by 1.8 percent in fall 2020 compared to the year before. - InsideHigherEd

Culture Shift? America’s Workers Grab Control

In unionized industries, this takes the form of collective bargaining and, where necessary, voting for strikes. In non-unionized industries, which make up the vast bulk of the American economy, it shows up in workers leaving their jobs and looking for higher-paying ones. - The New Yorker

How Environmental Art Brings Climate Change Awareness

In the past few decades, new practices of art, design and architecture in the public realm have helped raise awareness about ubiquitous waste, pollution and global warming, and their associated social injustices. - The Conversation

Why This Jazz Drummer Finally Left New York

I lived there 19 years. As we were coming out of lockdown, it seemed incredible to me that New York was becoming an even more unsustainable place for musicians to live. If that were possible. - Jazz Times

John McWhorter On Campus Culture And The Bright Sheng Case: Radicalism Or Progressivism?

It's not "the students’ fragility, it’s that their approach illustrates the difference between radicalism and progressivism. It’s an example of a strain of thought permeating campuses, one that blithely elides that difference in favor of preaching only “social justice.” - The New York Times

The New York City Council May Remove The Thomas Jefferson Statue In Its Chambers

Black, Latinx, and Asian councillors have been asking for its removal for two decades. - The New York Times

But Wait: IATSE Members May Not Vote To Ratify Contract

Says one IATSE member who's a dolly grip about the supposed changes, "The 10-hour turnarounds — that’s the same shit that’s already in my contract. Why would I be excited about that?" - Variety

Netflix Fires One Of The Organizers Of The Trans Walkout

The fallout from Dave Chapelle's special continues. The employee is Black and pregnant; Netflix says they were "terminated on suspicion of leaking metrics to the press related to the Dave Chappelle special," but other reports say the employee spoke out against the leaks. - The Verge

It’s Development Versus The Arts In Dublin

"Protesters have for several years argued that a proliferation of new hotel projects in Dublin crowds out other vital development, such as housing and space for the arts." Developers, of course, argue that tourism brings jobs, and hotels bring tourists. - Irish Times

Inside The Battle For Britain’s National Trust

Many National Trust properties rest on profits from the labor of enslaved people. "The charity seems to have become a lightning rod for the boiling emotions of a nation in flux, racked by arguments over national identity, social justice, pride and guilt." - The Guardian (UK)

Tentative Agreement Reached Between IATSE And Hollywood

The membership hasn't ratified the contract, so a strike could still be called. The details go to the membership for a vote. - The Hollywood Reporter

Is There A Role For Art In A Post-Liberal World?

The liberal beliefs that underpin today’s international art world are only shared by a tiny minority of the global population. Yet the West’s art establishment continues to label as “bad” anything that does not conform to such orthodoxies. - The Art Newspaper

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